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A land dispute opposes Me Assane Dioma Ndiaye to an emigrant established in France

Mbour: A land dispute opposes Me Assane Dioma Ndiaye to an emigrant established in France

A land scandal pollutes the atmosphere in the municipality of Mbour more precisely in the district of Grand-Mbour. Indeed, in this case relating to forgery and use of forgery relating to land, the lawyer Assane Dioma Ndiaye is cited.

The plaintiff, El Hadji Falilou Diop, an emigrant in France, accuses the lawyer of wanting to dispossess him of his house in which he has invested more than 45 million CFA.

“ All the money that I invested in this plot, I earned it after hard work, far from my country and my family, in the cold and in the rain, in discrimination and racism … it’s my sweat, it’s my blood, it’s my suffering, my tears … ”, he complains.

He explains that he acquired this 500m2 plot of land in April 2017 and that he carried out usual checks with the state services, the town hall and the town planning services of Mbour.

“ Before purchasing, I found a plot of land fenced by my seller with a garage, with a hard slab and a vegetable garden inside the plot. I did a neighborhood survey and was reassured that the sole owner was my seller. I have taken all the necessary steps to comply with the laws and regulations of my country, in particular registration with taxes and domains, payment of the lease provision, town planning tax, municipal tax, fiscal stamps, among others ”, says Mr. Diop.

He obtained his building permit in October 2017 and started work. One day, while he was on his site, against all expectations, he received a visit from the attorney of Me Assane Dioma Ndiaye, who also worked for the tax and estate services of Mbour. Accompanied by agents of the town planning services of Mbour, he asks the emigrant ” to clear the floor with the masons, without even asking me for my actions which allow me to build on this land ”.

The services of the DSCOS came to stop my work. They informed me that Me Assane Dioma Ndiaye had obtained the lease on this land. After several mediations, the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Mbour annulled the entire procedure by judgment No. 127 of December 2, 2019. Me Assane Dioma Ndiaye did not appeal.

But three months later, the lawyer returned to the charge with civil and then criminal proceedings. Currently, the proceedings are still pending in court. Mr. Diop is waiting for justice to be done.

Our attempts to contact the lawyer were unsuccessful.

Author: Khady NDOYE Correspondent Mbour – Seneweb.com

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