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a judge sues the Brazilian Federation for homophobia because of the number 24

A judge from Rio de Janeiro left 48 hours for the Brazilian Football Federation to explain the absence of the flocked jersey of No. 24 within the Seleçao on the occasion of this Copa America. An absence that could be a sign of homophobia, this number was often linked to the gay community in Brazil.

Brazil offers itself a controversy in the middle of the Copa America. While the Seleçao will face Chile on Saturday in the quarter-finals, here is a magistrate putting his nose in the affairs of the selection of Tite. In question, his list of 24 players. And especially the attribution of their numbers. Unlike the other teams competing in the tournament, Brazil is the only one that does not have a player with the number 24 on the back, while the lists contain just 24 players. Goalkeeper Ederson has 23 and Douglas Luiz has… 25. But what’s going on with number 24? This is the question asked by a judge at the Rio Civil Court.

The 24 is linked to a homophobic insult in Brazil

On Wednesday, Ricardo Cyfer left 48 hours for the Brazilian Federation (CBF) to explain the reasons for this lack of jersey 24. This injunction follows the filing of a complaint from an association for the defense of LGBT + rights. In Brazil, the number 24 is indeed associated with a homophobic insult. In a Brazilian game Jogo do Bicho (“animal game”), card number 24 is symbolized by a deer. But in Brazil, “veado” (“deer”) is also an insult to homosexual men.

The number 24 has already caused a stir in Brazilian football. In many Auriverde clubs this number is not assigned. Thursday morning, the Brazilian Federation had still not responded to the judge.

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