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A joy! Leipzig choir gives summer concert in Neustrelitz

Part seven of this year’s Grüneberg Organ Summer in the Neustrelitz town church is sung by the Leipzig Vocal Consort: On Sunday, August 18th, at 5 p.m., the vocal ensemble will present a “summer a cappella concert with works by Bach, Brahms, Hessenberg, Schönberg and Schütz,” as the announcement states. The title: “That is my joy.”

From Bach’s predecessor Sethus Calvisius to “Brexit Big Bang”

The Vocalconsort was founded in 1999 by the GewandhausChor director Gregor Meyer. It consists of 35 members and performs internationally. In 2018, the choir took part in Matthew Herbert’s highly acclaimed Europe-wide art project “Brexit Big Band”. Since 2018, the Vocalconsort has been led by conductor Franziska Kuba.

“The choir has made a name for itself through its sensitive and lively interpretation of sacred and secular choral music from the Renaissance to the present day,” says the ensemble’s website. The diverse repertoire ranges from the rediscovery of the Leipzig organist Sigfrid Karg-Elert, to Sethus Calvisius – he was cantor of the Thomaskirche in Leipzig 100 years before Johann Sebastian Bach – to today’s music landscape.

Admission is free.

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