Home » today » World » A hypocrite teaches us morals! – 2024-08-15 21:03:16

A hypocrite teaches us morals! – 2024-08-15 21:03:16

/ world today news/ And just today, the boy, by chance, the host of “120 Minutes” on BTV, has invited a random person in power – Petar Stoyanov. Stunned – Pesho Konya, as he is known in Plovdiv, sat down to teach us morals. And this is the person who has no right to it!

I remember it at the round table in Plovdiv: the leaders of the BSP and the SDS were debating, and in the last row, among the onlookers, there was a naked man with a slightly open, foaming mouth. Pantelei Pachov – first secretary of the BSP, asked me – who is this?

And since I’m not from Plovdiv, I asked Velislava Dureva:

– Ah, this one, that Pesho the lawyer… That’s it!

No one shaved his head.

The deputy from the SDS in Plovdiv, Hristo Markov, testified that they chose him as the spokesperson of the coordination council. For nine months on foot, the lawyer pretended to be distracted. In fact, he was waiting to be absolutely convinced that the pancake had turned. And tonight, the foaming-at-the-mouth ex-divorce lawyer suggests to us that for 45 years / understand under socialism!/ the people lived divided! He was like that in the first ten years, but then?

Petar Stoyanov participated in the so-called flying cultural brigades in the summer to educate the Komsomol members who were harvesting the crops. Petar Stoyanov wrote a book – under socialism, which now turned out to be hateful to him, in which his main thesis was that under capitalism, women lived in a golden cage. Only under socialism did women reveal their great possibilities.

Well done, Pesso!

He is not my president – he never will be, but let him, if he has morals/ which I doubt!/ answer:

1. How is it that, as the son of an enemy of the people, he was the head of the Komsomol in the high school he studied?

2. How is it that, as the son of an alleged enemy of the people, he entered the late 1960s to study law, when they accepted only twenty people?

3. How is it that, as the son of an enemy of the people, he became a lawyer, for which at that time the signature of the Minister of Justice was required…?

As the alleged son of an enemy of the people, didn’t some hateful special services help?

Petar Stoyanov is a fictional blue bubble in politics. His divorce from his operetta wife was in progress, it was stopped because there is no president without a wife. They brought her back from the embassy in London, where they say she had a good life, and when his term ended and he failed, he would play tricks on him again. She knows best why!

And let him answer a fourth question: How much did the US pay him for his powerful support in their dirty war against Yugoslavia?

And how come over three hundred thousand dollars went into his bank account for some crappy lectures?

I shudder when a hypocrite comes out of the blue screen and teaches me a moral!

This is called cynicism, with which P. St. is gifted in abundance!

#hypocrite #teaches #morals

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