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A hurricane with hail swept through Zhitomir

Photo: facebook.com/zttimes

The consequences of bad weather in Zhitomir

Downpour flooded the streets, strong wind knocked down trees and smashed pillars. One person was injured.

In Zhitomir on Monday evening, July 12, a hurricane wind broke, heavy rainfall and hail passed. This was reported on Facebook by the press service of the Zhytomyr City Council.

It is reported that the streets of the city are flooded, trees fell, one person was injured.

“It is already known that one person suffered from the disaster. A tree fell on the man, he is in the hospital with numerous bruises,” the message says.

Local residents report that the bad weather lasted more than an hour and led to the fall of trees and flooding of the streets.

It was previously reported that to eliminate the consequences of a hurricane the National Guard was attracted to Transcarpathia.

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