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A hundred students occupy the Ghent University building: “It will not get as out of hand as in the US”

War in Gaza

As announced, a group of approximately a hundred students partially occupied ‘a building’ at Ghent University: it became the hall of the University Forum, better known as ‘the UFO’. They definitely want to stay there until Wednesday.

The action in the building near the Vooruit is peaceful. The occupiers, both Dutch and English speakers, have set up about twenty tents, and flags and posters have been hung.

There is singing and slogans are chanted: both pro-Palestinian and climate slogans can be heard. For example, they shout “UGent you can’t hide you’re supporting genocide”, “From the river to the sea” but also “What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now”.

The students also address the rector directly in the slogans: “Rik VDW (Van de Walle, ed.), we are here”. They demand that the educational institution stop all collaborations with Israeli universities.

“Trust in Ghent University”

One of the participants is Esther (24), a third-year Arabic studies student who prefers not to have her real name published in the newspaper. She pitched her blue tent in the hall, against the windows of the UFO building. During the day, three more friends from her direction will join her. She plans to stay until the end of the occupation. “Of course you don’t know if they will break camp, but I suspect not. In that respect, I have a lot of confidence in Ghent University and the police, it will not get to the point here as in the US.”

Philosophy student Ellen De Meuter (18) and a friend, unlike many others, do not have a sleeping mat or trekking backpack with them. “But later I’m going to my room to get a blanket,” she says. She plans to stay until Tuesday. Then she leaves because she has a test and her niece’s birthday party. Despite her obligations, she wanted to participate anyway, “because this is a clear signal that Ghent University cannot ignore”.

Staff support

This weekend it turned out that about a hundred staff members from Ghent University also support the campaign. In an open letter, the employees oppose the “backdoor policy” at Ghent University and the “repressive threats” made against the activists. “The fact that the rector first ignores and then threatens these courageous students goes against everything our university should stand for,” it said.

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