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A huge scam, the scheme is like from the Mutren years, the money is awful!


District Prosecutor’s Office – Plovdiv filed an indictment against EV, aged 51, for the fact that in the period from October 2016 to March 12, 2018, in Harmanli, Haskovo region, Kapitan Andreevo village , reg. Haskovo, Burgas and in Plovdiv, under the conditions of a continuing crime, in his capacity as manager and representative of the company “M.” EOOD, Burgas, and in his capacity as a proxy and a person performing actual activities and functions of a taxable person of the commercial company “A.” EOOD, Plovdiv, has avoided the establishment and payment of tax liabilities in particularly large amounts of BGN 542,851, having sold goods – 1,099,726 liters of diesel fuel, worth BGN 2,227,655, excluding to issue an invoice and another accounting document, as no current accounting of the sales of diesel fuel has been carried out and has concealed the truth in submitted tax returns – a crime under Article 255, paragraph 3, in conjunction with paragraph 1, item 2, item 3 and item 5 in conjunction with Article 26, paragraph 1 of the Penal Code,

E.V. was submitted to court for the fact that in the period from October 2015 to 21.11.2017, in Plovdiv, Harmanli, Haskovo region and the village of Kapitan Andreevo, Haskovo region, under the conditions of a continuing crime, of unidentified dates in the period from October 2015 to 14.11.2017, in Plovdiv, Harmanli, Haskovo region and the village of Kapitan Andreevo, Haskovo region, under the conditions of a continuing crime, he himself acquired and received a total amount of money of BGN 2,743,052, representing undeclared and unaccounted income from the sale of goods – diesel fuel, by converting part of this property, namely money in the amount of BGN 1,533,077 into euros in the amount of EUR 783,850, and that in the period from 13.11.2017 to 15.11.2017, in Plovdiv, in complicity as a perpetrator with the accused VS, as an assistant, held property – a sum of money in the amount of EUR 783,850, with a BGN equivalent of 1,533,077 BGN, as well as that on 21.11.2017, in Harmanli, in complicity, as an assistant with VS, he intentionally facilitated the the crime through advice and in another way – providing a note with the text “M…, give something round to B.”, received property – a sum of money in the amount of BGN 10,000, for which property he knew at the time of receipt that they have been acquired through a serious intentional crime – a crime against the tax system – a crime under Art. 253, para 4, supra para 2, supra para 1, supra art. 20, para 1, para. 2 and para. 3, supra art. 26, para 1 of the Penal Code.

The 44-year-old V.S. was also taken to court. for the fact that in the period from 13.11.2017 to 21.11.2017, in Plovdiv and Harmanli, Haskovo region, under the conditions of a continuing crime, in the period from 13.11.2017 to 15.11.2017, in Plovdiv, in complicity, as an assistant with the perpetrator EV, by removing obstacles, has provided access to the perpetrator EV to use a bank safe in a bank with a branch in Plovdiv, by signing a notarized power of attorney and providing a key for safe, kept property – a sum of money in the amount of EUR 783,850, with a BGN equivalent of BGN 1,533,077,

as well as for the fact that on 21.11.2017 in Harmanli, Haskovo region, in complicity as a perpetrator with EV, as an assistant, she received property – a sum of money in the amount of BGN 10,000, of which she knew property that they have been acquired through a serious intentional crime – against the tax system – a crime under Art. 253, para 4, supra para 2, supra para 1, supra art. 20, para 1, para. 2 and para. 3, supra art. 26, para 1 of the Penal Code

In the incriminated period – from October 2015 to 21.11.2017, the accused E.V. was engaged in money laundering activities acquired through the implementation of illegal schemes related to the commission of tax offenses and fuel trade offenses, including VAT evasion and corporate tax evasion.

He procured undocumented fuel, then added various types of waste petroleum products. He sold this “fuel” from commercial sites located near customs checkpoints and the border area in Bulgaria, such as “TIR – diesel”. He managed these sites through several different companies / owned or controlled by him /.

Realized sales without issuing fiscal vouchers and / or other primary accounting documents, respectively without paying the due VAT and corporate tax from companies owned or controlled by it and thus generated cash resources in the amount of BGN 2,743,052. for the storage of part of the money received from the illegal activity was assisted by the accused V.S.

Witnesses were interrogated in the case, expert reports were prepared, material evidence, documentation and others were seized. The punishment provided by law for the crimes in which EV and VS are accused are as follows – for a committed tax crime the punishment is imprisonment from 3 to 8 years and confiscation of property, and for the crime “laundering” of money “- from 3 to 12 years of imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 to 200,000 levs. The District Court – Plovdiv is scheduled to schedule a pretrial hearing.

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