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A huge fire devoured the forests in Patagonia, southern Argentina .. Video

Social media pioneers shared a video clip, just recently, of a very large-scale fire, which was monitored in Patagonia, southern Argentina, and video footage showed the fire eating up trees, and local media reported that this huge fire is believed to be the result of an electrical failure in this The area has alum to catch in natural forests.

On the other hand, Argentine Health Minister Gonzalez Garcia had announced the appearance of the first confirmed case of the deadly Corona virus in the country, and the Argentine newspaper “La Birdad” indicated that the patient is a man between the ages of 40 and 45 who had recently returned from a trip to Italy and Spain And he was admitted to a hospital in the country’s capital.

While the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nancy Messonier, said that the United States is on the verge of a larger outbreak of the emerging corona virus, which may reflect the unlimited spread in some other countries. “The American last Tuesday, that what the United States is witnessing now may be the beginning of what is happening in some countries of the world, adding that Washington may resort to” certain measures to confront the disease. “

The US official indicated that communities in the United States may begin to “employ tools that encourage the social dimension,” a term given to a number of measures taken to combat non-drug infections to stop the spread of a highly contagious disease..

The director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mesonier, stressed that the aim of such measures is to reduce human contact face to face to prevent the spread of the disease.

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