Home » today » Business » A home office does not mean the end of benefits, says the lawyer. The employer should contribute to energy – ČT24 – Czech Television

A home office does not mean the end of benefits, says the lawyer. The employer should contribute to energy – ČT24 – Czech Television

Klusoň emphasizes that they cannot order their employees to work from home, as confirmed by lawyer Šupej. Social isolation and other aspects associated with home office can have impacts on mental health, recalls a human resources expert.

Šupej explained on ČT that the costs that people incur when working from home – for example, higher electricity bills – should be partially compensated by the employer, as he passes these costs on to his employees. In addition to energy, it is, for example, the wear and tear of a computer, telephone or other equipment.

Employees are also entitled to the benefits they draw, such as meal vouchers, food subsidies or performance bonuses. “If an employee works a shift within a day, he is entitled to the allowance in the same way as if he were in the office,” states Šupej.

According to the lawyer, the question is when an employee has to buy a more expensive Internet connection for work. According to Šupej, even in this case, the company should offer compensation due to higher costs, but people do not use the Internet only for work, so it is agreed how much the employer will contribute to the financing.

The manager should focus on results, not working hours

According to Kluson, the need to agree is crucial. For example, an employer can pay for equipment that allows people to make their work environment at home reminiscent of an office. Each employee must be approached individually, the expert urges. That is why, according to him, the human resources department has become an important pillar of companies. “It simply came to our notice then. As we have been at the home office for a long time, it is already being managed, “believes Klusoň.

Šupej also reminds that there are also health risks associated with working from home – unlike offices, the home environment does not have to be adapted to sitting at a computer for a long time. Therefore, before moving to a home office, the employer should arrange the necessary training to help people arrange the environment in their homes in a suitable way.

“Comfort has a big impact. When a person at home does not have a place to sit at a computer, it is difficult to get oneself to work, “emphasizes the psychological aspect of Klusoň. According to him, it is the role of managers to ensure that their subordinates can work at home and be productive. According to the expert, they have to focus on the results of the work, not on the time spent on the work.

Attorney Šupej also agrees with such an evaluation of the work performed. “It’s very similar to having an employee in the office. It will primarily be through the results. If I give an employee a task and give him an appointment, I expect him to process it, “he says, adding that if an employee spends significantly longer at home office than in the office, it is a sign that something is wrong. He calls for managers to resolve such situations first by verbal agreement and then by reproaches under the Labor Code.

Finding balance is difficult, the future is probably in the mix of home and office

Klusoň reminds us that it is important to behave in the comfort of home in the same way as if you had to go to the office. So in the morning it is essential to get dressed, do the morning routine and not start working in your pajamas in bed. Also during the day, one should take coffee breaks just like in the office. And just as an employee ends up working when he leaves the office, he should set limits at home.

“It’s really hard to find balance. It is ideal to somehow separate the places in the apartment so that one can work somewhere and relax elsewhere. That’s why it’s worst when you start working in bed, “notes Klusoň. At the same time, he admits that it is difficult to find and maintain a work rhythm at home, especially with children or pets.

According to the expert, the future will be marked by a hybrid regime of work from home and office. People need social contact, but at the same time they want to enjoy the flexibility that the home office offers.

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