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A hobby story: knitting, viruses and sourdough bread

A year ago almost to the day, I was quietly writing my little practical guide to stay healthy[e] of spirit in times of pandemic. I was then rather optimistic about the unfolding of the health crisis. “A month or two without more, later life will resume.” In light of the difficult year that we have lived, this article seems quite naive to me. I then presented the announcement of the two weeks of confinement as an unusual opportunity to develop new hobbies.

“You never know, maybe you will discover an unexpected passion!” “.

Looking for new hobbies …

I must admit, I was not quite wrong! Just a few days after the announcement of the first confinement, creative projects have multiplied. Homemade bread here, knitted hat there. While the pandemic has been a source of difficult times for me, I cannot deny that it has prompted me to develop quite unusual skills. For better and for worse.

Between two Zoom meetings, I could be found listening to the latest documentary on Britney Spears (#freebritney), developing a recipe for banana bread (the trick is to put coconut milk in it), to learn how to make homemade pasta, to grow shallots in a pot Mason, to knit a pink and powder blue coat for the pug that I will never have or adopt a fish and name it Denise.

The world is on fire, yes, but I can now call myself self-sufficient when it comes to bread. You will agree with me: we would all have preferred a normal year. However, things being what they are, it is clear that the confinement will have at least had the advantage of boosting requests for membership in the Circles of Farmers.

Discover the hobbies of ambassadors

Curious to learn more about my new and new ambassador colleagues, I therefore asked them a few questions. “Have you started making knitted stockings, spinach pasta, or friendship bracelets lately?” How do you spend your free time? How do your hobbies enrich your life? After all, there is nothing more telling about a person than their favorite craft.

Photo taken by Fu during a walk

Méganne: the contemplator

Méganne, an explorer at heart, replies: “For my part, I often occupy my free time (especially after working days on Zoom) by going for a walk outside. Exploring new corners when I have the time and, by going for a walk “just like that”, without a specific goal, it allows you to take the time to appreciate the beautiful people around us and the little things in life “. Ah, yes, the famous contemplation of nature; Heiddeger would approve. Dear Méganne is not the only one who appreciates the fresh air; her passion is shared by Frédérique and Vivan. Fred, supervisor of a thousand gifs, adds: “Take steps and discover new spaces. Otherwise, a lot of cooking (and I like watching The Great Canadian Baking Show at the same time ????). Podcasts and drawing too ! ».

Méganne enjoys the sun in Drummondville, her hometown

Vivian: the artistic

For her part, Vivian doesn’t have a lot of free time these days. She tries to maximize the short moments when nothing is holding her back: “When I have time in everyday life, I watch a lot of movies. It helps me to escape into the unique worlds of directors, to take a break from this historic moment that we live in. Otherwise, I listen and discover a lot of music. I watch documentaries from famous people or artists who inspire me. It gives me hope for the future: knowing the past of these people, their approaches, their efforts and how they got to where they are today. Documentaries on nature, the world of microbes and animals, it brings me back to the essence of the Universe. It reminds me that everything is interconnected and that we really should take care of nature and animals seriously.

I reconnect [aussi] with my Chinese roots by reading classic works of literature and practicing my written Chinese. I transcribe pages and pages… It’s good, I feel like I know myself more. I take long walks, which is like a form of meditation ”. In addition to that, she takes advantage of the reopening of museums to stock up on culture, like Fu, who visited Pointe-à-Calière recently.

One of Vivian’s hobbies,

Riccardo: the poet

Speaking of culture, Riccardo also enjoys rediscovering “a love of poetry that I had never seen dying out. Recently, I have therefore liked to take time to immerse myself in the collections that I had saved for later and I am practicing composition too. It strangely revived my love of letters and my studies! “.

Another hobby of Riccardo: the harp!

Ludivine: the foodie dreamy

Ludivine’s response is just as thoughtful: “The activity I do the most: drowning in my thoughts, thinking about what I’m going to be able to do when the good weather returns, when there are fewer restrictions, etc. . Otherwise, I cook again and again (long live the food! ????). I will walk around to see something other than the walls of my room where I am 17/24. I read, I zoom meals with my friends. I like to watch adventure shows (it makes me travel) or cooking competitions (that makes me travel in my fridge ????). Then, I went out to the cinema (I missed it so much) and like many of us, museums ”.

Bagel making by Ludivine

Having arrived in Montreal during confinement, Ludivine sees the reopening of the museums as a great opportunity to discover her adopted city. “Besides, if you (or someone else) have cool places to recommend me, things I absolutely must try, unusual places or whatever, I’m in!” “.

Ludivine (and I) are waiting for your hobby suggestions to try in the comments!

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