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A Heartwarming Story of Love and Resilience: Me and My Sister’s Journey

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Short story. Illustration source: Unsplash

Me, Daffa. A child who goes to school at MTsN 2 Situbondo, later I will tell you a very long story about it. I am the first child, I only have one sibling. He is now 7 years old. I was raised by my grandmother, Grandma Sol. Grandma Sol is a very good grandmother, she always takes care of me and my sister with great affection. I am an orphan, both of my parents died 5 years ago, due to an accident.

I’m so proud! Now my little brother is in first grade of elementary school. Today is his birthday. As well as the date of death of both my parents. I still remember when I cried loudly 5 years ago when I was told the news. My sister was only 2 years old at that time, I was 8 years old. At that time, we were still living in our parents’ house in a different province from Nek Sol’s house. After our parents’ funeral, we were both confused about who we would live with. Come on, a second grader left alone with a 2 year old toddler?

Finally there is a neighbor who is kind enough to babysit us in the near future, my grandmother is still on her way here. Understandably, access from Nek Sol’s house to here is very minimal. Nek Sol’s house is in a remote village. We were invited to stay at the neighbor’s house temporarily. My sister and I sleep in the same room. Every time I study at night, he always waits for me to tell stories with his sleepy narrow eyes, very funny.

I really regret an incident at that house. When I had lived there for 2 days. I was feeling confused at that time. I miss my parents, I miss my family. Thinking about why my sister’s birthday is so sad? I often scold my sister for no reason. That night, in the middle of the dark night, I pinched his arm which was still the size of 3 adult fingers. Surprisingly, he didn’t cry. He instead looked at me with rounded eyes. With sparkling eyes as if waiting for something. I looked into his eyes, I saw his eyes. His honey brown eyes shone in the moonlight, his chubby cheeks flushed red. He smiled looking at me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. How can I pinch such a cute child? This sincere? I hugged him tightly, I realized he needed love too, just like me. My sister said one word that became the spirit of my life. “Atak, Atak” he said, I gasped and cried uncontrollably, moved. Trying not to wake up my neighbors. That night was the most unforgettable night of my life.

The next day, grandmother arrived at my house. My grandmother decided to raise me here, in Situbondo. We owe our neighbors a debt of gratitude. He promised to pay for me to study at MTsN 2 Situbondo. Now, he fulfilled his promise first. I’m in grade 7. Today, I will make my sister’s happy day. I looked at the photos, the photos I took with the camera my mother left behind. There are photos of him eating porridge, photos of my sister’s birthday, photos of my sister limping learning to walk, and many more.

I smiled then looked at my sister. My sister has grown into a very beautiful little girl. Now he can take photos. He took a photo of me, took a photo of my grandmother, then took a selfie of the three of us. It was touching to see all the portraits, silent witnesses to my emotional story with my sister. Today, I put up that photo. And today, I’m happy.

2023-09-24 01:25:13
#Today #Happy #Kompasiana.com #Kompasiana.com

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