In a burst of courage, a good Samaritan intercepts a man with not one, but two loaded guns who was fleeing from the police in New York.
The 39-year-old suspect, Jason Fleming, must regret having crossed paths with this man who pushed him against the fence before handing him over to the police who were on his trail.

photo-source position-absolute" itemprop="copyrightHolder"> Photo tirée du site United States Department of Justice
“Defendant allegedly unlawfully brandished two loaded firearms in broad daylight on a Manhattan street, one of which was a rifle, frightening many New Yorkers, including a child,” the US Attorney said. United for the Southern District of New York, Damian William.

photo-source position-absolute" itemprop="copyrightHolder"> Photo tirée du site United States Department of Justice
The whole thing would have happened on Thursday after an argument between the accused and a man. Mr Fleming then allegedly pointed a gun at a young girl who managed to run away. When the police arrived, he fled on foot.
“Thanks to our law enforcement partners and the heroic efforts of a Good Samaritan, the accused was apprehended before he could harm anyone, and his weapons are off the streets. added the prosecutor.