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A “Growth Point” opened in a rural school in the Omsk region

The training center “Growth Point” was opened under the national project “Education” in a school in the village of Zagvazdino, Omsk region. This was reported by the regional Ministry of Education.

“This is the last of 72 centers that will be created in 2024 in 31 municipal districts of the region. The new “Growth Point” will offer lessons in physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and technology,” the ministry noted.

About 300 people live in the village, about 15 of them are teenagers from 7 to 17 years old who are studying at school. Now all children in Zagvazdino will have the opportunity to receive additional education and learn a lot of new things outside of classroom lessons.

This year, more than 300 million rubles have been allocated for the opening of educational centers, including 156 million rubles from the federal budget for equipping the centers with equipment. By decision of Governor Vitaly Khotsenko, all repair work in the “Growth Points” offices was financed from the regional budget.

There are 372 “Growth Points” in the Omsk region. Thanks to them, rural schoolchildren have the opportunity to study on modern equipment.

Nacproekt “Education” is designed to create conditions so that all children and adolescents in Russia have equal opportunities to maximize their potential. Throughout the country, schools, colleges, and technical schools are being built and modernized, and equipped with modern equipment. The system of free additional education is developing through the expansion of the network of Quantorium technology parks, IT-cube digital development centers and regional branches of the Sirius center for gifted children. National projects have been implemented by decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin since 2019.

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