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A groundbreaking discovery by astronomers. They found an Earth-like planet

The astronomers’ discovery concerns the “Planet Pi”, which is similar in size to the Earth. It owes its name to the fact that its orbital time around its star is 3.14 days, which is the same as the known mathematical constant.

Discovery of astronomers

The signals from the planet, scientists discovered thanks to data collected in 2017 by the Kepler Space Telescope during the NASA K2 mission. Earlier this year, the planet began to be explored with the SPECULOOS telescopes, which confirmed that the signals read came from Planet Pi, which, according to scientists, still orbits its star every 3.14 days, which is the same as the assumed mathematical constant – Pi which is the ratio of the circumference of the circle to the length of its diameter.

“The planet is moving like clockwork,” said Prajwal Niraula, a graduate of MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), who is the lead author of an article published today in the Astronomical Journal that learned about the new planet.

The new planet was designated K2-315b. It is the 315th planet whose planetary system was discovered in the K2 data.

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Scientists estimated that the radius of the planet is slightly smaller than that of the Earth – the radius K2-315b is 0.95 Earth’s radius.

The scientists’ discovery orbits around a cool, low-mass star that is five times smaller than the Sun. The planet Pi orbits its star every 3.14 days at a speed of 81 km per second.

Although scientists suspect that the planet is built like Earth, it is unlikely to be inhabiting it, as temperatures on the planet can reach up to 180 degrees Celsius as you approach the star, Science Daily reports.

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