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A graphic designer with post-Covid syndrome has been declared absolutely incapable of working

The STSJ of Castilla y León No. 648/2024, of July 24, 2024, ECLI:ES:TSJCL:2024:3067declares a graphic designer with a chronic post-covid headache in a situation of permanent total disability, allocating the appeal of the managing entity. The ruling requires the National Institute of Social Security and the General Treasury of Social Security to pay him a pension equivalent to 100% of his regulatory base of 1,889.92 euros.

Of the proven facts It turns out that the worker suffers from a chronic post-covid headache with a tension profile and daily frequency, refractory to any treatment. In addition, he suffers from reactive mixed adaptive disorder and cognitive deficit after COVID-19 infection with attentional difficulties, mild deficit in recognition of verbal memory and moderate deficits in delayed verbal memory and semantic categorical recall. Limitation for activities involving high responsibility and/or stress load, tasks that require attention and concentration high and for very high physical load requirements.

The Court shares the judge’s opinion a quo in the sense that the actress is incapacitated for her usual profession, graphic and multimedia designer, which requires certain levels of attention and concentration, as well such as the use of screens throughout their working day, incompatible with the ailments described. Not only That, but also, as the contested judgment also states, “the presence of continuous and daily headaches makes it illusory an ordinary and habitual performance, with adequate performance and without extraordinary sacrifices, of any kind profession, which should be exercised in conditions of almost permanent discomfort and pain.”

Permanent total disability benefit

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