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The beginning of January will be somewhat easy. You will be reminded of the basic needs and joys of life that should be incorporated into your daily life. Mars is about to end its retrograde movement, so releasing its control, you will soon feel the energy to act, see what has improved or changed during this time. The past is in the past, this year can really start anew. If there is a special person in your life, pay him due attention, otherwise you may have to face painful conflicts. It’s time to review some of your usual personality traits, qualities, and remind yourself of your ability to change.
You will feel guided by higher forces, the universe will send signals and signs that you will notice and try to understand. Some things shouldn’t be ignored – even if you’re used to certain behaviors and patterns that you don’t normally notice on a daily basis, be aware of any inappropriate behavior or comments on your part. A lot may have changed in the life of some Tauruses in recent months. You will be able to feel your progress and not even know where to go next. Move toward love, warmth, and shared moments that bring a sense of belonging and peace to your heart.
Some things have no determinable value, no matter what value someone else might see in them. It’s time to realize the special values of your life, your highest priorities and put them first, so that your life can naturally move towards them and in a sense also be able to bring order and certainty into your everyday life. Misunderstandings can happen in the field of friendship. Your intuition will speak louder than words, and the words you say tend to be misinterpreted regardless of your true intent. Be careful at this time with what you want to say, pay attention to get it right.
This is a month of various emotional expressions and situations, which will give a special flow to your relationships – friendship, cooperation, as well as partnerships. The words you speak will resonate with other people who haven’t even been there, so be careful how you present information, carefully consider when to share something serious in writing or when to say it directly. Dreaming about the future will distract you from some important current goals and professional challenges that require special attention. Try to maintain a balance between work and planning for the future.
There will be tension in the lives of Leos until the end of January. Although this time could be marked by many beautiful acquaintances, you will be tossed between different extremes on a daily basis. Passion for one thing will reflect poorly on the activity of another hobby, choices will be more complicated for you than they were before. You will accept several contradictory things at the same time. You already know that you must always find the golden mean to have harmony and balance. There is no reason to put up with what is happening or to jump to conclusions, use time to slowly unravel the situations that have arisen. Be careful with documents and communication issues.
Some of the opportunities that life gives you are much bigger than what you have chosen in your comfort zone. It’s time to make a change in your mind, to change the beliefs that are outdated and limiting, so that you can achieve much bigger goals that will bring you the satisfaction and happiness your heart longs for. You don’t have to jump very far to get out of your comfort zone. Small steps are enough, give yourself enough patience and time. And you have no reason to explain or prove your actions to other people.
Lately, you may not have been completely honest with yourself, trying to release some important lessons and feelings about situations you weren’t ready to deal with. The heavy burden of reality will be very real and palpable, but it is also your chance to find happiness and joyful moments with the people you love. There is nothing stopping you from choosing an easier path to take. All your goals are achievable. Remind yourself that you have the power to change what needs to be changed and that you are responsible for yourself and your happiness. Don’t stay too long where you feel unwelcome.
Problems will intensify and expand daily before they have a chance to be resolved. Some things just aren’t your responsibility, so don’t let others burden you or tell you what to do and when. You may feel rushed in some of your relationships. Relaxation and meditation will help with any situation or problem that may arise. Towards the middle of the month, a strong sense of release and peace will come. Choose deeper conversation and contact with people, honest dialogue and share your feelings with those who will share with you.
It will be easy to look foolish in the eyes of others or to be perceived as someone who does not think much, does not analyze much. It’s really not up to you to determine the values and qualities of the people in your community, and if you’re misunderstood, there’s no reason to explain too much to those who don’t want to listen and understand what it’s really like. Some situations will really annoy you, especially those where people will constantly force their dogmatic views on you. Trust yourself by listening to yourself so you can recognize the right moments for action, conversation or peace.
If you’ve been torn between extremes and wondering if you’ve done the right thing over the past few months, this is the time when results or consequences, as the case may be, will begin to show. You will need clarity and more information to maintain balance in your daily life. Don’t waste time on everything that only bothers you and no longer fits into your everyday life. There is no reason to be rigid about the issues that matter to you. A list of priorities can help – it can help you move in the right direction. However, this list should be made according to your inner state, it should never be regulated by other people’s social norms and restrictions.
Although you are usually flexible about what is going on, there will be situations where you have been too rigid. In January, you will have the opportunity to evaluate everything related to things from the past so that you can prepare for a new chapter of life that is about to begin. You will feel good, comfortable enough to share your personal plans with others. If someone offers you cooperation, accept it only after you are well informed about what they really want. Double check what you write, say and everything else, be careful when driving or playing sports, obey the law and your rules.
You don’t know where the road will lead, but understand and accept everything that might make your life easier. Share your knowledge. Find stability in your relationship, you’ll feel better about letting go of toxic behavior patterns. You have to be completely yourself. Your sense of humor will sparkle. Listen to your feelings and, according to them, let events or people into your daily life, or, on the contrary, avoid what does not suit you, angers or hurts you.