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A Giant High Speed ​​Celestial Body Is Approaching Earth, Potentially Dangerous

TRIBUN-MEDAN.com, JAKARTA-An astronomer catches the movement of high-speed celestial bodies approaching and pointing towards the earth.

Asteroid 2001 FO32 is predicted to be closest to Earth on March 21, 2021.

It is reported that the space rock (231937) 2001 FO32 is estimated to be at the closest distance to Earth on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at exactly 11:03 ET or 23.03 WIB.

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According to estimates by NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), on March 21, 2021, the largest asteroid was 1.3 million miles away from Earth.

This distance is equivalent to five times the average distance between Earth and the Moon. Previous figures provided by CNEOS put the 2001 FO32 measuring between 2,526 and 5,577 feet (769-1,699 meters).

According to NASA, the United States Space Agency, more recent observations suggest the asteroid may be between 1,300 and 2,230 feet or 396-679 meters in size.

Even at the smallest estimate, the diameter of the space rock would be three and a half times the area of ​​a football field.

Thus the asteroid 2001 FO32 is the largest asteroid to pass Earth in the closest distance in 2021.

Potential Danger

It is also reported that this celestial body is traveling at a staggering speed of nearly 77,000 miles per hour, which also makes it the fastest asteroid to fly past Earth this year.

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