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A Giant As Tall As The Mountain Inhabiting Santa Lucia Revealed

CALIFORNIA – Shadow giant as high as a mountain who once appeared in California in the Santa Lucia Mountains has a mystery story about the appearance of mysterious creatures dubbed Dark Watchers that scare climbers.

Reporting from the Daily Star Friday (27/5/2022), a giant figure perched on the top of the mountain was first reported in the 1700s. At that time, the first Spaniards came to California.

It was they who actually dubbed the apparition ‘los Vigilantes Oscuros’ (dark observers). However, the first Anglo-Americans who came after him reported similar sightings. Suddenly the figure became a local legend.

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Surprisingly, the Dark Watchers still showed themselves to the climbers in the Santa Lucia Mountains. Some have even been caught on camera.

SFGate Managing Editor Katie Dowd recently wrote an article about the California Dark Watchers, their history, and their alleged existence. It also contains the experiences of the American writer John Steinbeck.

According to local legend, no one has managed to get a close look at the Dark Watchers. Because, despite daring to try to approach him, they miraculously disappeared.

However, not a few are convinced that it is just an imaginary creature, like Bigfoot. Most scientists believe they are just pareidolia or a simple optical illusion.

For example, when you look at white clouds, you start to see a resemblance to a rabbit or even a human figure. As another example, you see a face on the moon’s surface at night. That is the pareidolia that for many is the answer to the Dark Watchers apparition in Santa Lucia.

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