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a “ghost” housing estate with 30 abandoned pavilions

What happens on the Maurice-Ravel loop? How is it possible, in a city where land pressure is reaching peaks, that 30 pavilions have been abandoned for three years? And this, while they do not seem to be in an advanced state of disrepair … To answer this question, you have to ask LogiEst, their owner since 2018.

The social landlord has, in fact, inherited this apparent pretty lot, located between the Val-Marie and the bas de Guentrange, when he bought the company Néolia, which had itself acquired the pavilions there is. ten years. At the time, it was part of the heritage that the EdF group had put on sale throughout Moselle.

At LogiEst therefore, the sales director, Jérôme Dal Borgo, confirms dragging a cumbersome file Ravel loop. Where all the dwellings must be destroyed “because they are no longer habitable”.

The treatment of the affected wood

In the past, some tenants had mentioned episodes of odors that were difficult to identify and bothersome. Analyzes of the air did not reveal anything in particular. After its merger with Néolia, LogiEst undertook a “light renovation with insulation work, particularly on the facade. We thought we were doing well; however, in reality, this only amplified the problem ”. As if a better seal to the outside air had locked the ambient air between the walls of small houses.

“For a long time, we believed in the marked presence of humidity, but the intensity of the odors forced us to investigate,” continues Jérôme Dal Borgo. From expertise to expertise, the origin of the evil has finally been identified. “Very high concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been observed. The chemical treatment to which the wooden frame of the houses would have been subjected at the time of their construction, in the 1980s, would be in question. ”The verdict is clear: the homes are no longer habitable. The end of the rental leases announces the abandonment of the houses that LogiEst has resolved to demolish “because there is no other satisfactory solution”.

A reconstruction project

The social landlord will logically rebuild. A preliminary draft was imagined in 2020. The town hall, to which it was presented, deemed it too dense and asked LogiEst to review its copy. “At the start, we had 80 housing units, divided into three groups and around thirty building plots. Today, we have removed a collective and there will only be 25 lots to build, ”summarizes the sales director. Three quarters of the units will be offered for sale.

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