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a future wildlife conservation center at the gates of the city

A crowdfunding call has been launched to get the Les Alcidés association project off the ground.


Published on June 12, 2022 at 7:22 p.m.

It is an ambitious project led by two veterinarians from Saint-Nazaire who, through their association Les Alcidae, wish to build this specific care center for wild animals at the gates of the city. Its mission will be to care for the animals before releasing them into their natural environment, and to educate the public on the challenges of protecting biodiversity. The fundraising campaign will make it possible to take the first steps leading to the construction of the buildings.

A crazy project born after the sinking of the Erika

Do you know alcids? These seabirds were victims by the tens of thousands of the Erika disaster in 1999, then successive storms in 2014. Two veterinarians from Saint-Nazaire then decided to create the association Les Alcidae to come to their aid, as well as to all other injured wildlife, before they can be released. 8 years later, a fabulous collective work has been set up with the help of more than 160 volunteers who come to treat the animals housed in the veterinary clinic for the time to put them back on their feet, or on their wings.



A plot of 5000m2 made available by CARENE

Today cramped with hundreds of young residents cared for each month, Les Alcidés wish to take off to offer them a specific care center, in dedicated buildings, with adapted structures, where educational actions can also be carried out. . On the 5000 m2 site made available by the CARENE at the exit of the city, two buildings will be erected, large format aviaries will be installed, swimming pools constructed. “The long-term ambition of this future center is not only to provide care adapted to animals but also to welcome the public as part of an educational mission. We believe in the power of information and transmission to preserve the exceptional wildlife that surrounds us” explains Agnès Wigdorowicz, veterinarian co-founder of the association.

Association Alcids • contact by email at [email protected] or by phone at 06 78 01 76 51 • Online fundraising campaign.

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