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a fourth wave is “probable” but can still be avoided according to Benjamin Davido (VIDEO)

Invited this June 27 on France Info, Benjamin Davido, infectious disease specialist at Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches, announced that a fourth wave would be possible by the end of the summer, even if France has a stroke advanced.

Will France experience a fourth wave of Covid-19? For several days, the indicators seem not to be quite green, and some fear a new surge in positive cases. The reason ? The arrival of the Delta variant, even more contagious than the previous ones, but also the insufficient rate of people fully vaccinated. The famous epidemiologist Martin Blachier had said on CNews last June 16 that “the fourth wave will arrive and it will be quite important “. The latter will be due to “good viral recirculation by people who have not been vaccinated“, he declared. A point of view shared by many scientists, including the infectious disease specialist Benjamin Davido, guest this Sunday June 27 on FranceInfo.

“We must no longer be in fear of panic, but in action”

Like many of his colleagues, Benjamin Davido believes in a fourth wave at the start of the school year. However, he sees some positive points that would allow France to escape it. It is a probable scenario but today, we need a positive dynamic “, did he declare. According to this doctor, the country is one step ahead, and the virus even has a “knee to the ground”. What is needed, according to the infectious disease specialist, is “to do everything so that the virus bends its second knee, and that it is doubled from the right “. We must no longer be “in a fear of panic, but to be in action”. An action that involves strengthening vaccination, he continued, stressing that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are effective against the Delta variant of the Covid, provided they have received both doses.

The decline in vaccination

This Indian variant called Delta is increasing and now represents “between 9 and 10% of positive cases in France, according to Public Health France. Two people died in the Gers this weekend. This while the number of people who have received at least one dose of vaccine worries the authorities. While on May 21, they were 480,000 per day to receive their first dose, they are only 240,000 a month later., remember The world.

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