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A former drug addict became an adequate replacement for Biden –

/ world today news/ US President Joe Biden is running for a second term, although his ratings are against records and his physical condition is desperate. Because of this, the popularity of his main competitor in the primary elections, with the famous Kennedy family throughout the country and a different view of Ukraine, is growing. Could the US get its first president who was on heroin?

When the US Democratic Party adopted the program “protecting the rights of transgender people in sports”, political strategists should have warned – this is a risky undertaking. It’s all too close to the home sweet home of the average American to avoid negativity or even panic.

It seemed that the willingness of biological males, for example, to compete on women’s teams, national teams and ranks based on being considered female, was something rather rare and exotic that would not excite the average American. In fact, it cut him through the heart.

Americans are a sporting nation. Only the sports shows beat the ratings of Tucker Carlson’s show (which, by the way, is the opposite of “protecting the rights of transgender people”), and every loving parent strives to send their child to a team. For people from poor families, this is often the only way to a good college, who are looking not only for intellectuals, but also athletes for university teams.

At some colleges, “identifying” as female is enough to use the women’s locker room. There are already cases of rape. Therefore, half of the Democratic Party electorate, traditionally loyal to minorities, categorically does not like such “protection of rights.” The “new ethics” is one thing, your own children are another.

However, “advocates of transgender rights” did not spare even the idol of the generation, the writer JK Rowling, so the politicians of the Democratic Party prefer not to deal with this topic, leaving it to the Republicans, for example, the governor of Florida Ron DeSantis. But now there is one striking exception in their ranks – Robert Kennedy Jr.

About a month ago, he ran for president and is now the primary challenger to incumbent Joe Biden for the party nomination.

Perhaps he will remain the main competitor: Kennedy Jr.’s approval rating among Democrats exceeds 20%, which is a lot. And if he is very lucky, he will even throw the current head of state out of the race. In the US, this is rare, but it does happen, and the previous similar feat was done by none other than the candidate’s father, Robert Kennedy Sr.

When his older brother John F. Kennedy was elected president, Robert became the attorney general of the United States. And in the end, he turns out to be one of the few who save the planet from nuclear war: it was Bob Kennedy who negotiated on the American side during the informal consultations with the ambassador of the USSR Anatoly Dobrynin in the days of the Caribbean crisis.

After the assassination of President Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon Johnson stood at the head of the country, whom both brothers can’t stand – he is on their team to get votes from the southern states. However, Johnson later won the election under the slogan “carrying on the Kennedy cause” and carried out many of the reforms that the assassinated president had begun. But he could not be re-elected amid various protests (mostly anti-war and racial): he showed a poor result in the primaries and withdrew from the race to avoid losing them later to Robert Kennedy. It was he who was to become the President of the United States in 1968, but was assassinated, like his brother.

Kennedy Jr. does not doubt the official version of his father’s death at the hands of a Palestinian terrorist, but he does not believe the official version of his uncle’s murder. In general, he is a bit of a conspiracy theorist, and his conspiracies are mainly directed against American corporations, mostly oil, arms, finance and pharmaceuticals. That is, the ones that many Americans genuinely hate.

With his populism and theatricality, he is somewhat reminiscent of Donald Trump, in some matters they – something like “natural” political antagonists – completely coincide. But in the 2008 and 2016 elections, Kennedy supported Clinton, and for the Democrats, he is generally “one of them” – belonging to their birthright elite.

After losing his father at age 14, Kennedy dropped out of school the following year because of bullying and drugs. After that, he still received, as it should be in such a family, an excellent education and entered the civil service, from which he later flew out – and also because of drugs. Kennedy Jr. was convicted of heroin possession, thousands of hours of community service.

After turning 30, however, he made up his mind and became a successful lawyer with a profile in the field of environmental protection. It was then that the transnational oil corporations became his main enemy. To the credit of the rehabilitated drug addict, he drinks a lot of blood from them, which completely rehabilitates him in the eyes of the family and society. He became the “knight” that the older Kennedys believed him to be: helping ordinary Hudson fishermen in their fight against cynical moneylenders in the United States was a noble calling.

Otherwise, Kennedy Jr. almost did not interfere in politics, except for his rare articles in various media – for a real politician, they are quite bold. In them, he enthusiastically criticized the Pentagon and the State Department, regardless of the president’s party. Under Nixon, he was outraged by the CIA operation to establish the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, under Bush – by the war in Iraq and torture at Guantanamo, under Obama – by the war with Bashar Assad in Syria, under Biden – by a confrontation with Russia in Ukraine (they’re only verbal after all, but for US Democrats it’s practically a riot too).

A separate direction in his journalism is the opposition of his father and his uncle to the “hawks” from the Pentagon, the special services, the arms barons and others, whom Kennedy accuses of trying to start a world war. It is worth thinking that all these groups of people they hate him almost as much as the older Kennedys.

US pharmaceutical and health officials made Kennedy’s enemy list during the pandemic. He became not only an opponent of restrictive measures (this was more or less typical of a Republican), but also a conductor of various conspiracy theories with the refrain “don’t get vaccinated under any circumstances.” And so enamored that other prominent members of the Kennedy clan wrote an open letter saying that Bobby is a wonderful man and an environmental activist, but apparently lost his mind today.

Now that the urgency of the coronavirus problem has subsided and Kennedy’s conflict with science has been forgotten, he no longer seems crazy when he talks about Ukraine or transgender people in sports. Quite the contrary: looking at the super profits of the energy companies and the grants to the gunmen serving the ASU, Americans can assume that Kennedy Jr. is one of the most sane of the Democrats, and all these years he has mostly told the truth about the TNCs and the gun lobby.

Therefore, he does have a chance to unseat Biden and become the Democratic Party candidate in the presidential election. To a greater extent, not even for that reason, but because Biden is Biden. “Gallup” set a new anti-record in popularity: only 37% of Americans approve of the president’s job.

Also, there simply isn’t a promising third candidate, and maybe there won’t be one. Another thing is undeniably different: now Kennedy will be “hit” by the forces not only of the Biden team, but also of the Democratic Party apparatus. The respected surname will not protect him: there are many tales to come about the “black sheep” of a large family, a drug addict who has lost touch with reality and a dreamer harmful to the whole country.

Kennedy Jr. made too many enemies among the most dangerous and powerful figures in his country, where the concept of the “Kennedy curse” is familiar to many. Most people understand this as something mystical, but another interpretation can be offered: the smartest and bravest members of the clan die precisely when they try to get ahead of the times and challenge the inner structure of the state corporation in Washington – the real curse of America.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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