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A flotilla of US liquefied gas tankers is saving Europe from Putin’s blackmail

Flotilla from 30 American tankersloaded with liquefied gas, set off for Europe, which is suffering from an energy crisis, said Bloomberg agency. This is expected to lower prices, which reached record levels after the main supplier, Russia, did not supply the required quantities of gas to the European market.

10 tankers, carrying total 1.6 million cubic meters fuel for thermal power plants and power plants have declared destinations in Europe, according to shipping data collected by Bloomberg. Some of them have already reached the old continent.

20 other tankers, carrying approx 3.3 million cubic meters of gas, cross the Atlantic Ocean on their way to Europe. Nearly a third of the cargo comes from Sabine Pass’s liquefied natural gas export terminal in Louisiana, delivery figures show.

The EU plans to end long-term gas deals favored by Russia

The EC will also propose measures to strengthen security of supply,

US liquefied natural gas export terminals are operating at full capacity and even above it after reaching record flows on Sunday.

The agency said that natural gas in Northwest Europe traded for about $ 57.54 per million British thermal units, which is almost a third more than a week earlier. That’s about $ 24 higher than Asian prices and more 14 times higher than the price of gas sold at the American Henry Hub.

Gazprom blows up price: Near $ 2,200 for blue fuel on the Old Continent

And on Wednesday, the Russian energy monopoly will not request gas through Poland for Germany

Asia is usually the leading destination for American liquefied natural gas cargoes, but this has changed this winter due to gas shortages in Europe.

We remind you that this winter Russia’s gas supplies did not meet demand in EU countries and prices reached record levels. Analysts believe that this is a form of pressure from Moscow to put Nord Stream 2 pipeline upwhich does not comply with the European Gas Directive. At the same time, it is pointed out that it is not just an economic project, but an instrument of political pressure – putting it into operation would strengthen Russia’s position and would make Europe even more dependent on Russian supplies. On the other hand, the pipeline bypasses Ukraine, which would lead to losses for its economy and make it much easier. target of Russian aggression.


Putin: Nord Stream 2 will make gas cheaper in Europe

The pipeline met resistance from the United States and several European countries

The Kremlin denies that he uses gas supplies for political purposes, but Russian President Vladimir Putin insists on the launch of Nord Stream 2 in each of his statements on the subject. Similar messages were sent by other official speakers on the subject from the Russian side.

The pipeline was built to deliver gas from Russia to Germany on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said it was a business project, but according to the new government, it is also political. Even under Merkel the opposition was alarmedthat Moscow pursues political goals through Nord Stream 2.

A week ago, Germany announced that will not approve the launch of the pipeline before the second half of 2022.

The new German government is

Germany’s new government stumbles on Nord Stream 2 approval

Does not comply with European energy legislation

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