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A flock of sheep chases a jog in the forest: the video goes viral

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  2. More animals

Created: 15/10/2022, 15:00

Von: Sandra Barbara Furtner

Jogging in the forest keeps you fit and healthy. Many appreciate peace and solitude. But what if 100 sheep suddenly appear and follow you?

If the stress in everyday life increases, many people go to a forest in their spare time to regain balance. Here you can breathe easily, relax and slow down. According to experts, 20 minutes is enough to recharge the batteries mentally and physically. It doesn’t matter if you are just going for a walk and are aware of smells and colors or if you are going for a quick ride in the forest. Eleanor Scholz also wanted to experience some nature and relaxation during her holiday in France. She decides to hike through a forest. But what she experienced there, she will not soon forget.

100 sheep chasing a jogger because they got lost in the forest: the video goes viral

A flock of sheep has gone astray and joins a jog. © Instagram (elea_gram)

The woman enjoys the rest to the fullest. But she then she hears a strange noise. Frightened, she hides behind a tree. She carefully peeks in the direction the sounds are coming from. She sees a sporty dressed woman who is also walking in the forest. But she is not alone. There are over 100 sheep in tow. Eleanor Scholz is frozen. What should she do? Is the woman in danger? Will she be overrun by sheep? As her mind races, the woman approaches her, stopping right in front of her. “It took me a moment to understand what I was seeing,” says Scholz The Dodo.

100 sheep chase joggers because they got lost in the forest – the women are amazed

The two women start a conversation. This is how Eleanor discovers the story behind it. “When she stopped to explain her situation to me, all the sheep immediately stopped and waited patiently by her side. At that moment I realized that something really strange was going on here. “The jogger tells Scholz that these are sheep that roamed the forest completely on their own and couldn’t get out of it.

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Noticing that the flock follows her with confidence, she decides to abandon the planned race to bring the sheep back to pasture. A few minutes later she starts running again and the pack follows her without hesitation. Eleanor Scholz is completely amazed, but she finds the selfless and animal-loving action admirable. She records a video and posts it on Instagram. The clip immediately went viral. In a very short time it received over 16,500 comments. Unfortunately, the video does not show whether the sheep actually made it to the pasture. Here is a small selection:

  • “One of the best things I’ve ever seen. Do you think they still follow her? “
  • “The video is so amazing. 😍 “
  • “The woman is fantastic, how the pack follows her, incredible. 🐑”
  • “It’s just magical. 😍”
  • “The sheep must think it knows the way. 😂”
  • “The farmer will be quite perplexed and will wonder where his flock has gone. 😂”

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