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a flash of Floriano stretches Padua

A decisive step towards the final goal. A goal after ten minutes by Floriano is enough for Palermo to break the resistances of a generous, combative but not particularly incisive Padova, also thanks to the excellent performance of the rosanero rearguard, who faltered on only one occasion, on which Marconi saved with a prodigy on the line. Baldini’s team thus returns home with a heavy success in view of the return match, in which Damiani will not take part, warned and therefore disqualified for the last act.

The two teams face off immediately: Padova puts aggression in it and looks for fast plays; Palermo goes with all possible determination. A determination that manifests itself entirely in the goal of the advantage, a cold blow landed after 10 minutes. Valente is quick first in burning Curcio and then in shortening on a too relaxed Gasbarro: the loose ball arrives on Floriano, in the right place at the right time. It is not the best goal of the rosanero season but it is certainly one of the heaviest.

The pressure ends up on the shoulders of Padova who inevitably are forced to unbalance. Palermo, empowered by the goal, keeps the shirts tight, but leaves room for two shivers of terror. The first is caused by Massolo, whose courage in the exits in this round is more a form of unscrupulousness with a gypsy in the center of the area. Chiricò goes headlong with a sure shot; Marconi in a split sweeps the ball with the help of the crossbar: paradoxes of Italian football 3.0 there is no goal line technology but only the Var who after a few minutes decrees the prodigy of the Brescia defender to the utmost disappointment of the patavini. The second arrives a few minutes from the conclusion with Santini’s header on the development of a corner, which goes out slightly to the side.

With the gradual tightening of competitive tones Baldini decides to launch Soleri at the beginning of the second half in place of Floriano. Padova knows that arriving at a disadvantage in the Barbera showdown is too exorbitant a luxury: the pressure grows but not enough to crumble the Palermo wall, dangerous on counterattack transitions. In one of these, Damiani, in an attempt to reiterate a cross from Brunori, hits Donnarumma and remedies a severe and even unfair yellow card, given that the rosanero center forward had started in a clear offside position that could have been recognized earlier by the linesman. In the central phase of the second half the opportunities are few: the clearest is created by Luperini who with a sudden turn in the heart of the area takes the post.

In the last segment of the match, Padova’s urgency grows exponentially: Oddo, who had already lined up Jelenic and Dezi, throws Della Latta, Ceravolo and Cissè going from 3-4-3 to 4-2-Banzai; Baldini responds by putting freshness where it is needed with the entrances of Dall’Oglio and Crivello instead of Damiani and Giron. In the final the biancoscudati try, especially with Jelenic, who doesn’t go so far from the edge of the big target: Palermo manages, however, in the end to keep a very precious dowry. The rosanero conquer the Euganeo with merit: now the last leap is missing for Serie B.

Padova (3-4-3): Donnarumma; Ajeti, Valentini, Gasbarro; Germano, Hraiech (70 ‘Dezi), Ronaldo (78’ Della Latta), Curcio (77 ‘Cissè); Chiricò, Santini (77 ‘Ceravolo), Bifulco (65’ Jelenic). All.Oddo

Palermo (4-2-3-1): Massolo 6; Buttaro 6.5, Lancini 6.5, Marconi 7, Giron 6.5 (77 ‘Crivello 6); Damiani 6.5 (72 ‘Dall’Oglio 6), De Rose 6.5; Valente 6.5, Luperini 6.5, Floriano 7 (45 ‘Soleri 6), Brunori 6. All. Baldini 7

Referee: Gualtieri (Asti)

Rarely: 10′ Floriano

Ammonites: 51 ‘Giron, 53’ Damiani, 90 ‘Ajeti

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