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A first candle for the nursing home

A tool to comfortably welcome patients and which made it possible to deal with the crisis.

It has already been a year since the multi-professional medical center of Pézenas-Tourbes opened its doors in its new and functional buildings located at the entrance to the city of Tourbes, in a dedicated area perfectly suited to receiving visitors.

According to Doctor Karim Dubois: “Very quickly, this entity was operational and the local population immediately adopted this care tool. Patients stress its ease of access, its parking possibilities and the presence on the same site of many health professionals. The MSP has a central geographical position allowing all the villages in the area to come and consult. As for the Piscénois, they were able to experience the immediate proximity of this establishment. In addition, our daily consultation at the Pézenas hospital offers the Piscénois a solution closest to them. “

Doctor Dubois continues: “The layout of the premises has allowed health professionals to organize themselves to face the Covid-19 pandemic, something easier than the same situation would have been in the old practices. I would like to thank my colleagues, our admirable team. secretaries, the town hall of Tourbes, the new municipality of Pézenas and all the people who supported us. “

Expansion and complete care offer

After this first year of operation, the outlook for 2021 is becoming clearer. As of April, a second building will complete the range of care services including hearing aid, osteopaths, chiropractors, nurses, sophrologists and personal services. In the continuity of care, two new doctors will be able to practice, which will increase the supply of general practitioners within the nursing home to 10. It should be noted that after a year of existence, it will be one of the most important in Occitania. We can also note that of the 10 practicing doctors, seven are under 45 years old, proof of the renewal of structures.

It is obvious that this expansion could appear as a competition made with the nursing home which is established in the center of Pézenas and which is on the initiative of Doctor Jean-Pierre Varea. Karim Dubois regrets that the impossibility of working on a common project has led to the creation of two different structures. According to Doctor Dubois, “The environment of Pézenas will be able to cope with this double implantation, since some patients come from all the Piscénois basin and even from Agde”.

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