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A filter on nude messages: how Instagram’s new feature works to protect minors

Meta has decided to increase its commitment to combating the revenge porn and of the so-called sextortionthat is, extortion based on sexual blackmail: in addition to collaboration with Take it Down (things?)the company is testing a new one functionality dedicated to DMsmessages exchanged through Instagram chat.

Once the new thing becomes operational, it will be active by default on the accounts of those under 18 and it will also be recommended to adult users, essentially to help them avoid making choices that they might regret in the future.

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Sextortion, how Instagram protection works

In practice, what will happen is that a will be applied blurring of images sent via Direct in which nudity is detected, with a three-fold purpose: to encourage people to think before sending images of this type; protect them from seeing unwanted nude content; protect them from scammers they might send images containing nudity to try to deceive them and get them to send their images in return.

From what we understand, the system works from one side to the other, that is both from the sender’s and the recipient’s point of view: if you try to send images containing nudity, you will receive a message reminding you to be careful when sending such photos, even with the option to cancel the sending (the same thing happens even if you try to forward them) ; conversely, if you receive an image containing nudity, the photo comes blurred by a warning screenso that the recipient is free to choose whether to view it or not.

From Meta they explained that i nudity detection systems use machine learning algorithms directly on the devices to analyze the images and therefore the photos do not leave the devices: “This protection tool will work in end-to-end encrypted chats, where Meta will not have access to these imagesunless someone decides to report them to us.”

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Why is it dangerous to send nude photos?

Beyond what cybercriminals can do, i.e. those who act with the intention of doing harm, there are at least another couple of potentially dangerous consequences of the so-called nudines. Consequences that people often ignore, especially younger people.

The prima is clearly explained by Meta, which in the new tool designed for Instagram will remind you that “once sensitive content has been shared, it can be difficult to control what happens to them”. Among other things, “difficult” is a bit of an understatement: it’s practically impossible. What’s more: although it may seem like a good idea (or be a really good idea) to share this type of photo with your partner, it should be kept in mind that the relationship with the person receiving the images can change over time, which can be made screenshots of it, which can be forwarded without consent even over and over and over again. And that each of these steps makes it increasingly easier and more likely that they will be used in some way against those who sent them.

Il second problem is a more recent problem and has to do with artificial intelligences and deepfakes (What are?): for the most advanced AI, which is already being used for criminal purposes, it is very easy to create false images of real people, in embarrassing or compromising situations, undressing them if they are not or undressing them more than they are in some photos distributed online . And the more images of this type that circulate on the Internet, It’s easier for AI to train to reproduce them. Starting perhaps from what seemed like just a provocative shot jokingly sent in a chat.


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– 2024-04-21 00:15:33

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