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A festival dedicated to sport – LokalKlick.eu

All honored athletes came together on stage for a photo (Photo: Daniel Schwarz, SSV)

Erkelenz. Two occasions – one celebration: The city of Erkelenz honored successful athletes and volunteers at a gala event. The 50th anniversary of the Erkelenz City Sports Association (SSV) was also celebrated. Together, the city and SSV put together a varied program. Moderator Timo Tiggeler hosted the evening in the Erkelenz town hall.

The honoring of outstanding athletes, teams and young talents, which took place for the first time since 2020, combined the celebrations of the SSV anniversary with the appreciation of sporting achievements. The SSV was founded exactly half a century ago in what was then the “Zum Schwan” hotel – at the time still known as the “city sports association” – and has since had a permanent place in the Erkelenz club landscape, as Mayor Stephan Muckel emphasized. “The SSV is considered a reliable partner for the city of Erkelenz on many issues relating to sport.” As a gift, he presented the chairman, Friedhelm Göhl, with a certificate of thanks and a framed press article from 1973, which reported on the founding meeting.

In his welcoming remarks, Mayor Stephan Muckel described the importance of sport “as a reflection of society”. Sport makes an important contribution to cohesion. SSV chairman Friedhelm Göhl paid tribute to “the numerous people who have put their heart and soul into the community over the years,” and he expressed his hope that this would continue to apply for another fifty years.

Reinhard Ulbrich, Vice President of the State Sports Association, gave the celebratory speech on the 50th anniversary. He not only emphasized the social relevance of sport, but also praised a funding program from the state government. The 300 million euro funding program “Modern Sports Facility 2022” directly benefited the regional and local sports associations and clubs.

During the entertaining event, the honors for the athletes, teams and young sporting talents were attended by Mayor Stephan Muckel, SSV Chairman Friedhelm Göhl, First Alderman Dr. Hans-Heiner Gotzen and Thomas Giessing from the Kreissparkasse Heinsberg presented. Moderator Timo Tiggeler led the program, the Wegberg band “Quod Libet” provided the musical accompaniment and the catering company “Schneebesen” provided culinary delights. The acrobatics show “Avo & Cado” from TV Erkelenz and the dance show “Hip Hop” from the dance school “The Crew” received much applause.

The award winners:

Sporty young people

  1. Emma Lang (gymnastics, TV Erkelenz)
  2. Emilia Spelten (Judo, Judo Club Erkelenz)
  3. Janne Winzen (athletics, TV Odenkirchen)

Female athletes

  1. Nina Holt (swimming, SG Mönchengladbach; her father accepted the honor due to an absence due to competition)
  2. Maja Hansen (Ju-Jutsu Ne-Waza, Budo-Club Erkelenz
  3. Jil Frehse (football, MSV Duisburg)


  1. Alexander Schmitz (cycling, without a club)
  2. Alan Stocks (Ju-Jutsu-Fighting, Budo-Club Erkelenz)
  3. Darius Andrzejczak (swimming, TV Erkelenz)


  1. Dance duo Marvin Conen and Celine Kruppa (The Crew, Tanzsportschule Erkelenz)
  2. Children’s dance group Shadow (The Crew, Dance Sports School Erkelenz)
  3. Men’s basketball team (TV Erkelenz)


Monika Nüßer (gymnastics, TV Erkelenz)
Christel Esser (Tennis, Golkrath Tennis Club)
Karin Franken (formerly Erkelenz City Sports Association)

Young volunteerism

Nelly Meyer zu Altenschildesche (athletics, TV Erkelenz)
Lukas Huppertz (athletics, TV Erkelenz)
Niklas Borgs (Judo, Judo Sport Club Erkelenz)

Special honor in absentia

Gerd Helfer, long-time managing director of the Erkelenz City Sports Association


2023-11-21 17:18:24
#festival #dedicated #sport #LokalKlick.eu

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