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A fatal minor. The night of terror in the crime of the pyramid apartment


Thursday 15 December 2022

Books – Muhammad Shaaban:

A murderous jealousy settled in the heart of a girl who was no more than 14 years old, generating within her a hatred that blinded her heart and before him her mind, and she looked for a way to prove herself and that he deserves better treatment than the one he gets from his parents, unlike his two sisters.

As usual every day, the head of the family went to his workplace to sell clothes, and after him his partner, who also works to help “Abu Al-Banat” provide for the needs of the family, as they have been busy together from their marriage contract ten and a half years ago.

The mother, as soon as she left the house, felt a squeeze in her chest, as if her heart was wondering what would happen next, and the walls of the house would witness a heinous crime, which became the talk of the people. of the Al-Haram district, west of Giza.

As his father’s homecoming approached, he began to prepare, but a phone call caused the daily scenario to vanish. The caller told him, “Excuse me, may you honor us at Al-Haram hospital, your daughter is a little tired and they took her to us,” he concluded his abrupt speech, “Don’t worry, the condition of she are good.”

The father rushed to the hospital, thoughts racing one after another in his mind about what his daughter had been exposed to, before receiving the most severe trauma of her life. The hospital has received the body of a 5-year-old girl with more than 10 separate stab wounds on her and her sister’s body, who is seven years her senior, was suffering from suffocation and was confined to the care unit intensive.

The scene is difficult and hearts beat more and more. The mother is lying on the ground, trying to absorb what her two daughters have been subjected to, while she screams with her limbs in front of her tongue: “My daughters are gone. . . one is dead and the other is in the hands of the generous.”

Within his office at the Giza Security Directorate General Court, Major General Muhammad al-Sharqawi, director of the General Department of the Giza Investigation Department, received a notification from his deputy of an unfortunate homicide, in which he is A child was killed, with his body lacerated, while his sister struggled with death, clinging to life, under mysterious circumstances.

The key to solving the riddle in the absence of parents was represented in the older sister, “Hiyam, 14 years old”, who seemed consistent in arousing the detectives’ suspicions from the very first moment, in telling a predominantly detective story, such as the one that read in magazines and shown on screens: “Masked men entered our house, killed my little sister and strangled the other.” Motivate yourself by robbery before escape.

The middle school student’s story was questionable, so the investigating officer asked her, “Where were you at the time, and why didn’t you try to rescue your sisters?” In conjunction with the discussion, the arrival of the surveillance cameras unloaded in the area surrounding the building, place of the crime, which blew up the minor’s narrative.

The cameras did not monitor anyone entering or leaving the property, so the maneuvering and tightening of the noose on the little girl – the suspect – began and the scene ended with her detailed confession of a cruel crime . her for the broken knife in the kitchen.

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