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A fan gives his girlfriend a Pokémon-themed marriage proposal

All fans of the popular Pokémon franchise around the world have become fond of the amazing world inhabited by unique creatures called Pokémon, with the classic phrase of Professor Oak marked in our hearts, many of us nostalgically remember anime and video game.

Something that seems quite curious to us is that despite the fact that this was a franchise that accompanied us in our childhood, there are currently some fans of red bone, which we include ourselves too, who continue to enjoy the adventures of the yellow mouse and his trainer and some fans have decided to unite that great affection with that of their partner.

When you are about to make a marriage proposal, you do not stop thinking that everything must be perfect and original, that is why there is nothing better than taking advantage of the passion of both for your favorite anime. That’s what this guy has shown us, who used Pokémon to come up with the best proposition you’ll see in a long time.

As you may have seen in the images shared on Reddit, this boy proposed to his partner with a Pokémon card. In it we see the couple surrounded by several original elements of the franchise, as well as some personalized details such as the date of their courtship and the marriage proposal. More original, impossible!

It is very likely that if you pull a proposal of this level up your sleeve with your girl, it is almost unlikely that you will receive no for an answer. Originality, intention and details are everything, and that’s what this couple of Pokémon fans have shown us with their love for the franchise, as well as their own.

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