The friend of the actor Dimitar Rachkov – Anita Dimitrova, has reason to worry about the future of her relationship.
The reason is the appearance of unexpected competition for the comedian’s heart in “The Forbidden Show” last night. The danger seems serious, as it is not about any lady, but about the sex symbol of Bulgarian cinema Anya Pencheva.
She and Rachkov went to bed, and the host immediately decided to pour oil on the fire, declaring that he and the lady next to him were lovers. “It’s high time we recognized this public secret that we kept for a long time. I was your lover,” Rachkov said.
“So you say that there is no way not to say that sex with you is like in fairy tales -” There was a time “,” she replied.
The presenter, with a smile, decided to clarify that this was in the play years ago and then the two were lovers, the Telegraph writes.
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