Home » today » News » A famous citizen of Burgas shocked the jury of “Bulgaria is looking for talent”, ate an eye from a sheep, and then …

A famous citizen of Burgas shocked the jury of “Bulgaria is looking for talent”, ate an eye from a sheep, and then …

The cult Vanko Rusinov denied his hometown of Burgas, said on the national air that he was ashamed of being from Burgas and shocked the jury of “Bulgaria is looking for talent” with its strangeness, “Flagman” writes.

The show with the colorful Vanko, who has more than once become a charity for the people of Burgas and many people with big hearts have helped him, was broadcast tonight on bTV.

As soon as he appeared on the screen, the 34-year-old man asked the presenters if he could not imagine that he was from Sofia, because he was ashamed that he was from Burgas.

It is a well-known fact that he is an orphan, but many people know that he did not want to qualify and acquire a profession to feed himself. He relied on alms before anyone else. Some time ago he settled in a municipal apartment, but apparently he quickly forgot the kindness that was done for him.

His participation in the castings of “Bulgaria is looking for talent” was the third in the last five years and was definitely shocking.

“I am a special person, in a special restaurant,” Rusinov announced his stage performance, after which he took 10 cigarettes and tried to smoke them, but quickly gave up.

“I was sick. I think I will give up cigarettes! ”, Said Kateto Evro and was shocked after the colorful citizen of Burgas turned off the butts in his tongue.

“This is the ashtray man!”, They exclaimed in the show, and Itzo Hazarta commented with irony: “I’m afraid to say ashes on your tongue!”

Vanko Rusinov’s second talent was to drink water without her hands, and the third trick was to eat a sheep’s eye!

“No mixtures can be consumed,” he explained, after which he described the sheep delicacy as “crunchy”.

“Finally, I will tell you a poem, which is my idea,” Vanko Rusinov concluded to the horror of the jury.

Sick of my Koran, she calls me to take off my pants

Take out the microphone, play Madonna, take me to the party

I call her: Darling, bring me a fork

You’re so cool, let’s go to the mattress

“I think Ivan Rusinov has made great progress since last time,” said Lyuben Dilov-Sin.

“It’s awful!” Slavena Vatova revealed.

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