from the formation, it iswe will carry instantly.Jonathan: You live somewherehe is probably livingamong rats.the crisis down the linerodents is impacting everycorner of new york.increased rats and micehappened between 30% of 2019 some neighborhoods it exceedsThe 100%.some neighborhoods were aceimportance in others.the authorities estimate thatthere are more than 2,000,000 ratsin new york the bronx, a resident isliving a nightmare in theher daughters room, she saysthat has become impossiblesleeping at night due tobad smells.Filippo Ferreti tells us thatother problems faced.scan qr code to seehow shocked is yourPhilip a lives in aapartment in this buildingfrom the bronx with his three daughters andguests that nobody would like inhis house.>> there are large rats the sizefrom my arm that they are livingal reés.Filipo: Ana says that it is notthe first time yourapartment is infested withratsa few years ago there were 38trapped history repeated itself.when rats do you think they havein his house?>> that box has to bewithout double skin, you can’tto enter.can’t breathe.Philip: once they die for himpoison, not only from ratsgenerate a strong earthenware thatmay vary, but they bringworms.>> I saw her coming out of the ceiling,he was falling off the chairfrom where I do nails.I told myself, that is going to come out ofthere I was going to bite someone, II wanted to die.filipo: the rat tranquilityAna and her daughters besidesthey wiped out their belongings.>> they are the toys of the beé.I have to throw away the beds thatfinished shopping.covers us beds, everything,uniforms, shoes, everythingI have to bounce.dead rats die likeif he were dying thousandsof people.filipo: on our tourwe found this afternoon fineclean and trash. This is theMrs. apartment.It means that you stopthese walls hide