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A examining of Geagea’s speech: A warning to parliamentarians not to slide into a hoax

Representative Fadi Karam pressured the chance of handing around a new president that Hezbollah would not accept, on the foundation of the parliamentary bulk and well known will. The dilemma of Lebanese sovereignty.

In reaction to a concern about the “forces” responsible for what we have realized, Karam viewed as in an interview with “Voice of All Lebanon” that “what the forces are accountable for is their lack of ability to avert catastrophe, due to the fact the instances imposed on us led us to a phase in which there is no option but to settle, which was dependent on the guidance of the Lebanese people and the bulk of Christians, for the individuality of President Aoun.

Pertaining to the actuality that the head of the “Lebanese Forces” bash, Samir Geagea, regarded as a natural prospect, Karam explained that this is thanks to the point that Geagea is the head of the greatest parliamentary bloc, stating: “The concept of his candidacy is not it is really a advanced and will only come about when there are chances for him. “

Karam inserted Geagea’s assault on President Michel Aoun in the context of an assessment of the previous section, which charge the Lebanese a good deal, and stressed that “Geagea wished, in his speech yesterday, to warn absolutely everyone, particularly the parliamentarians, from slipping into deception yet again simply because it will charge the individuals the loss of a region “.

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