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A dry lake and precious stones… Discoveries that support life on Mars

Water is often what scientists focus on when looking for manifestations of life anywhere. If you want to find out if there was previous life somewhere, look for water, as it is one of the signs of life, and without it no organism would be able to continue to live.

It’s what scientists have followed in searching for signs of extraterrestrial life, especially regarding life on Mars, and in unraveling the secrets of former life on the Red Planet before the water stopped flowing.

To prove the theory of the existence of previous life forms on the surface of Mars, with no flowing water flow, scientists had to look for the geological signs of the water that was there before, and they found signs in the rocks and soil of the planet. Red planet. Where some minerals and structures form only in places where rocks and water interact, which proves the theory of the existence of previous life on Mars, according to Live Science.

Drawing on data from NASA’s Curiosity rover, a new study published in the journal Geophysical Research: Planets finds that the mysterious light halos of rocks in Mars’ crater crevices may be made up of water-rich opals.

Additionally, the bottom of an ancient dried-up lake on Mars may have been filled with garnet gems, indicating widespread water and possible microbial life that also once lived on Mars.

Researchers have discovered fractures on the surface of Mars, some of which are surrounded by halos of light-colored rocks, which the researchers discovered after studying and analyzing them rich in opal, a mineral that is produced as a result of the interaction of rocks rich in silica with water.

The researchers also concluded that these halos are not isolated or confined to a specific place, but rather extensive, such that these halos have even been found on the cracked surface of Mars’ Gal Crater, which is the bottom of an old lake. drained 154 kilometers wide that Curiosity has been exploring since it began its mission in 2012.

The researchers emphasized that this evidence supporting the presence of potential habitable underground conditions on Mars adds to the mountain of evidence that water was widespread on Mars.

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