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A dry and sunny Monday morning is forecast in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

after that they ask theadministration biden create asafe path that representsdignity and respect fornacón.we go back with stephanie tomore than the conditions of theweather.stephanie: we will followenjoying conditionsdry and temperatures a littleabove normal.we are between 40 ° and 45 ° inour area, we have a breezemoderate coming right nowfrom the southwest, nobringing this air a little moremild, a little better thanwhat we have seen the weeklast, and we see that on the radarthere is no rain, anddone the week looks mostlydry, the probability oflow rainfall becausetomorrow’s temperatures will besimilar, we see a sunspectacular, especially inmorning hours. bylate we can see cloudsscattered.we see that the probability ofrain does not go from 7% tothroughout the week, ah whatwe will have dry weather for now.temperatures fornext we would see that wewe will stay in the low tomeans 40 °, like a day a lotá fío on Wednesday, theWednesday we will be just onecouple of degrees abovefreezing point, and theThursday the temperatures returnat 40 °. we will have an end ofweek, the next end ofweek much colder, againwith temperatures in the low tomeans 30 °. the good news

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