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“A drop of blood is worth a thousand friends!”, A mini-comic book to raise awareness of Blood Donation

It is an original initiative of the association of blood donors of Pagny-sur-Moselle which entrusted the cartoonist Hector with the task of producing a mini-comic to educate young people and their parents about blood donation. 380 copies will be distributed to college students in the town.

It’s a funny adventure that happens to Tom and Sophie… Everyone is in their own world, she on his smartphone and he on his scooter as it can happen. Only here, that day in the street, it is the accident.
Under the pencils of the designer Hector, these two characters are the heroes of a comic strip, entitled “A drop of blood is worth a thousand friends!”, Created to educate young people and through them their parents to blood donation and thus contribute to save lives.

© Hector

I dare admit that I was not a good student. This comic also helped me personally to change.

Hector, Author, designer

Hector, not especially Blood Donor until then, is now more aware of this issue. He will probably not be the only one. The adventures of Sophie and Tom are an educational tool to convey the message to the youngest. After the story, readers will find practical information on what blood donation is, the conditions for being a donor, the contact details of theFrench Blood Establishment, but also a useful lexicon to know what we are talking about. The comic strip is accompanied by a bookmark with collection appointments in the town of Pagny-sur-Moselle.

We have little girls. They are comic fans

Chantal Bilik, Secretary of the association of blood donors of Pagny-sur-Moselle

“We have little girls. They are comic book fans”. For Chantal Bilik who is secretary of the association of blood donors of Pagny-sur-Moselle and Richard Bilik who is the president, this collaboration with Hector is a chance.

No decrease in Donations

Despite the health situation, the association of blood donors of Pagny-sur-Moselle, does not see a decrease in its town. “On the contrary, we notice 3 or 4 new donors at each appointment”. The association organizes 5 collections per year. On average, 80 to 90 people show up. “Perhaps just at the start of the pandemic, we had a slight drop linked to the fear of going out. But very quickly, we found a usual level” confirms Chantal Bilik.

© Hector

For now, this initiative remains located in Pagny-sur-Moselle. 380 schoolchildren will be distributed the booklet in the presence of the designer and the association which will come to make them aware of the issue of Blood Donation. But this action, followed closely by theDepartmental Union for voluntary blood donation of Meurthe-et-Moselle, could perhaps inspire others.

See this report from Hector:

The association’s next collections for 2021:

February 04 – June 02 – July 29 – September 30 – November 25 in Pagny-sur-Moselle. And on April 07 in the neighboring town of Vandières.

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