Home » today » Technology » A Doom tournament on lawnmowers was held in Sweden (video) – Hi-Tech Mail.ru

A Doom tournament on lawnmowers was held in Sweden (video) – Hi-Tech Mail.ru

Modern lawn mowers can not only cut grass, but also play simple games.

No one will be surprised by the fact that Doom can be run on almost any gadget with a screen. Previously, the game was launched on a Lego piece, on a refrigerator, on a calculator, on a camera, and even on a pregnancy test. Now enthusiasts have managed to play Doom on a smart lawn mower.

This campaign was launched by the Swedish brand Husqvarna. In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Doom game, the equipment manufacturer installed the iconic game on its lawnmowers. Lawn mowers are equipped with a small screen, and their cost amounts to 3800 euros (370,000 rubles).

The most interesting thing is that a whole tournament was organized in Sweden, in which e-sports athletes were invited to play Doom against each other on lawn mowers. See what it looks like:

Full recording of the strange tournament available on Twitch.

By turning the wheel of the lawnmower, players turned the camera, by pressing the wheel they fired, and to move around the map, they had to press the side buttons, which were initially responsible for the power of the lawnmower.

A total of 13 matches were played. The winner received an equally strange gift – the same lawn mower from Husqvarna with Doom installed.

Nikita Laktyushin

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