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A dog that changes radically if he feeds it late .. ‘Protest Woodangtangtang’

Photos = Instagram / ys__lee__ (below)

[노트펫] The appearance of the dog, which changes radically after meals, gives a pleasant smile.

Recently, Sang-Sang Sang, the guardian of the dog ‘Doochi’, posted a video on the social network service (SNS) with the explanation: “He is a smart boy who asks for food when it’s time to eat, even if he has forgotten. and did not feed him. “

The video released shows Doochi in a state of ‘hang-gri’, very angry because he is hungry.

When it’s time to eat, Doochi wanders around the living room with impatient footsteps.

He begins to express his strong intentions by smashing the empty rice bowl with his feet.

Like an outlaw, he wanders around the living room and protests with his whole body.

Eventually, I kicked the rice bowl of another friend I live with, ‘Puku’, and smashed the visible snacks and food containers, announcing that dinner time was over.

Ⓒ Note Pet

“Brother … I’m cute Iroke, but will I really be alone?”

People who saw the video commented: “Kicking a bowl of rice is so powerful it rings forever”, “If it’s late again, there won’t be anyone left in the house … It’s so cute. “,” I think I see my girlfriend “,” Ah, she’s a really smart angel who can express her thoughts well. “

Ⓒ Note Pet

The fatal backside of the “dinner fairy” who can’t get up from the table ~

“When I go out, sometimes when I come back after dinner, Doochi wags his tail and shows aegyo, then he kicks like that,” Sang Sang said.

“I feed twice a day and the fortress distributes it three times, but if I don’t give it in advance, it starts filling the bowl right then,” he explained.

Ⓒ Note Pet

The happiest bear when he eats ♥

He added: “Sometimes I feel it’s not enough even if I give him the rice, sometimes I slam the bowl and give him a little more.”

Ⓒ Note Pet

“I am the precious body of my home, loved by my family ~”

Duchi is a 5 year old Pomeranian prince who is very friendly to people and loves to go for walks.

According to Yeon Sang, Doochi has gained a lot of weight in the past, so he was even nicknamed “Madong Pome (Ma Dong Seok + Pome)”.

Ⓒ Note Pet

Clothes are not guilty …… (Feat. Ma Dong Pome was)

He started a health diet and managed to lose weight, and now he feeds them not only as feed, but also as a healthy snack like sweet potatoes, hedgehogs and sweet squash.

Ⓒ Note Pet

“Gerin like me … With a murderous smile, shoot the heart out of the eyes.”

“I grew up living alone and living alone away from my family for the first time, but at that time, Doochi with my family gave me greater strength than my distant family,” said Yeon Sang.

A cute baby next to a cute baby

A cute baby next to a cute baby

“Now, instead of protecting my parents, I’m able to communicate more with my family and it makes me laugh, so I’m really grateful.”

“Our family will only walk the flower path for the rest of our lives!”

Then he continued: “Doochi, Puku, everything else is done, don’t get sick and live a long and healthy life!” She continued: “Not long ago, my family and I always had two friends. Time !!!” she greeted with a smile.

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