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A dog in Man Kam To, suspected of being hit by a car with a broken pelvis, reluctantly crawled into the warehouse for help

[Animal News]A few days ago in Man Kam To, a dog suspected of being hit by a car and seriously injured, reluctantly climbed into a nearby warehouse for help. When the volunteers from the “Langlang Association” arrived the night before, the dog was lying helpless in a corner of the warehouse, bleeding from the lower part of his body. The volunteers renamed the dog “Wen Zai” and contacted many veterinary clinics with the volunteers “Lang Lang Home”, but no one was willing to cure the dog. It wasn’t until 3am that night that the dog was sent to CityU Animal Medical Center, where his pelvic bone was found. Fragmentation, displacement of the vertebrae, multiple body fractures and a ruptured testicle. Because the medical bills were too expensive, the Lang Lang family transferred him yesterday to the non-profit veterinary clinic NPV, where a complex surgery will later be performed. Wen Zai is only 1 year old and the volunteers hope that everyone will cheer for Wen Zai and endure the dangerous period.

The scene of the accident was a warehouse in Man Kam To. On the afternoon of October 12, a dog that was bleeding from the lower body climbed inside. A staff member asked the volunteers for help. When volunteers from the Lang Lang Association arrived, they arrived found the dog lying in a corner of the warehouse, sent him to a 24-hour clinic and renamed the dog “Wen Zai”, but when the doctor saw Wen Zai’s wound, said it could not be healed, so the volunteers called every clinic in Hong Kong 24 hours a day. The response was that he did not have the security to heal, or that he refused because he did not c ‘was an on-site doctor. They later found a clinic willing to participate in the consultation, but after the doctor’s visit, the suggestion was euthanasia and the volunteers expressed their reluctance to give up Wen Zai in this way.

April, the founder of the Lang Lang family, also helped follow up after learning about the Wen Zai incident that evening at 11pm. She told this paper that many clinics were unwilling to accept it. After seeing Wen Zai’s wound and bleeding for many hours, she could not be cured. she, she feels very desolate. It wasn’t until 3:00 am that volunteers sent Wen Zai to CityU Animal Medical Center. The vet found the operation acceptable but indicated that the cost of the operation was high. After Wen Zai was hospitalized at CityU Animal Medical Center for one night, volunteers transferred him to NPV the next day.The Lang Lang family is currently in charge of Wen Zai’s medical arrangements.

April said Wen Zai’s condition was very serious, with a fractured pelvis, displaced vertebrae, multiple fractures in the body and a ruptured testicle. She pointed out that Man Tsai’s testicular tissue had begun to necrosis and blackening, and she was concerned that it would lead to peritoneal inflammation, because the excision operation was performed last night and other operations could only be performed after intercourse. computer scan.

He hopes everyone cheers on Wen Zai so that he can successfully complete the task. He also pointed out that, according to the stretch of road where the governor happened, there have been accidents involving dogs hit by cars in the past.

Volunteers sought medical care for the dog all night, but most clinics refused to treat the dog and sent him to CityU Animal Medical Center at 3am that night.Volunteers sought medical care for the dog all night, but most clinics refused to treat the dog and sent him to CityU Animal Medical Center at 3am that night.

Volunteers sought medical care for the dog all night, but most clinics refused to treat the dog and sent him to CityU Animal Medical Center at 3am that night.

The dog was in serious condition, with a shattered pelvis, loss of sensation in the hind legs and a ruptured testicle.The dog was in serious condition, with a shattered pelvis, loss of sensation in the hind legs and a ruptured testicle.

The dog was in serious condition, with a shattered pelvis, loss of sensation in the hind legs and a ruptured testicle.

The post A dog in Man Kam To, suspected of being hit by a car with a broken pelvis, reluctantly crawled into the warehouse for help appeared first Hong Kong Animal Mail.

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