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A doctor explains the first symptoms of cancer, which are not well known

Doctor Mihail Pautov from Romania presents in a vlog the main signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer in the body: from unexplained weight loss or silence for no reason, to persistent fever or other unusual changes in the body.

According to Mikhail Pautov, this stuff is not supposed to scare himor to judge, but to inform. And his purpose is to urge citizens to pay more attention to the symptoms of their body and talk to a doctor as soon as possible, for a detailed examination and diagnosis, transplant. Stiri.md.

“Prevention and prophylaxis are the most important thing for long-term health,” said Dr. Mihail Pautov.

According to the doctor, 90% of cancers can be cured when they are detected in time. But, unfortunately, there are types of cancer that do not show any symptoms.

“There are many types of cancer that give us clear signs. And, often, because we are very busy, we live in chaotic times where we have many things to do, we tend to reject these signs and put them off”, says the doctor.

Cancer: The second leading cause of death in the world

About 10 million people die every year from cancer, according to international statistical data.

“Most of the time, we’re the ones who end up with heart disease because of our behavior, because of our lifestyle. We, 95%, are the cause of cancer through our lifestyle, and we are also the ones who cause chronic respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, brain diseases, etc., said Dr. Mihail.

Cancer risk factors

The main risk factors for cancer are:

  • Age: The older we get, the closer we are to the risk of getting cancer;
  • Lifestyle: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy food, lack of exercise, obesity;
  • Exposure to environmental factors: carcinogenic factors, carcinogenic substances such as radiation, viruses.

The herring without reason

“The telltale sign that something might be wrong is weight loss for no particular reason. When you lose weight without making any changes in your life, you eat the same things, you do the same activities, you have no extra weight, you are not separated -marriage, you have not gone vegan, you have not started a gym or weight loss program, when it is not reasonable to lose weight, but you notice that you are starting to lose many kilos every month , it’s a sign that you need to go to a specialist”, he explains.

But what is cancer? Cancer is actually a very interesting process by which the human body tries to adapt to the environment you expose it to.

“As soon as you smoke a pack of cigarettes every day and expose those lung cells to smoke they weren’t made for, they start to get inflamed. And these lung cells are thinking about what they can do to absorb this smoke. So they start making all kinds of mutations, changing the structure of their DNA to create new proteins, new ways of protecting you. And maybe one in 20 million patients who get cancer will have a mutation that is passed on to the children and basically makes that genetic line more resistant to cigarette smoke. But this is an isolated case,” explained the doctor.

According to the expert, as soon as you smoke, you are quiet, you are obese, you are under a lot of weight, the capacity of your immunity will decrease until one cancer cell escapes, which ‘ hide and starts “making a gang”. This is how a tumor appears that is not visible, it is microscopic, but which begins to grow, steals from the body’s resources, is anarchic and no longer listens to the rest of the cells in our body.

“So this tumor, because it grows and uses your energy, you start to lose weight. You no longer use your own metabolism to maintain your muscles, to maintain your fat stores,” says doctor Mihail.

The state of sleep without reason

It is the second sign that may indicate the presence of cancer. But it is important to see sleep in context. If the sleep has no explanation, that is, you sleep normally, you have the same physical activity, but suddenly you are tired, it means that something could be eating you from the inside.

Another thing that happens as a paraneoplastic process, because it meets around this ceremony or around oncological pathology, is a reduction of iron ​​​​​​​​​​​in the body.

“Cancer can eat iron, it eats too much iron to grow and then you don’t have enough iron to make hemoglobin. When you don’t have enough iron, iron deficiency anemia occurs, and without iron, your hemoglobin level, of oxygen that can be carried in the body, decreases. Without getting oxygen and another resident in your body that consumes your resources, you can end this process that causes you to sleep”, said the doctor.

Unacceptable growths or symptoms on the body

Another very important sign is when inappropriate symptoms appear on the body. When a mole appears on the body that changes, grows, becomes hard, or any other sign you see on your skin, a wound for which you cannot find a cause, it is like a burn , as a wound that does not heal, you must go to a specialist, because this can be a sign that tells you that it is something oncological.

Prolonged persistent fever

This is a persistent fever that won’t go away and you can’t attribute it to anything. This can be a sign of a paraneoplastic process, a tumor that grows slowly, the body tries to destroy it, these dead, toxic cells are created, and the body reacts to them with a fever .

Constant headache

If you have a migraine, if you know that you are sensitive to the weather, if you know that you have headaches from time to time, you have nothing to fear. But if you don’t have a migraine and suddenly your head starts to ache and ache regularly, this could be a sign that cancer is developing in your brain.

Another thing that can happen in this area is hearing loss in one ear, loss of vision in one eye, or one eye starting to look crooked. What is certain is that if these things happen, it is a sign that you need to go to the doctor.

Blood in the urine

A sign that can be seen especially in kidney or bladder cancer is blood in the urine. There are two types of blood in urine. One you can’t see, which is why it’s good to go at least once a year for an analysis. The second type is when, for example, you have kidney cancer, and the bleeding occurs in the kidney, and the blood gradually shortens, clots, and ends in the flow like a fat, red worm.

Abdomen increased in volume

One of the symptoms is the inappropriate increase in the volume of the abdomen. If your abdomen is normal and it suddenly began to expand, not to be confused with bloating, and it is still swollen, it is a sign that you need to see a doctor.

The abdomen rises, you have almost no fat in that area, it is a sign that it could be ascites, which happens more often in the case of ovarian cancer, in women. Ovarian cancer grows on the ovaries, begins to spread to the peritoneum through the bowel, and begins to produce ascites.

What are the other symptoms of cancer in the body, find out in the vlog below:

Video: Youtube/Dr. Michael

2024-08-17 16:00:00
#doctor #explains #symptoms #cancer

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