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a DNA test that could change the succession

Updated September 23, 2024 at 5:41 p.m.

Posted on September 23, 2024 at 5:40 p.m. by Alina Salva

A new twist is shaking the Delon family. The daughter of Ari Boulogne, whom Alain Delon never officially recognized as his son, is now demanding a DNA test. A request that could shake up the succession of the icon of French cinema.

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The affair of the parentage of Ari Boulogne, the alleged son of Alain Delon, is still being talked about after the photographer’s death in May 2023. Today, it is his 16-year-old daughter who has decided to relaunch the question by demanding a DNA test to prove that the actor is indeed his grandfather. According to the girl’s lawyer, this step was made necessary after the French justice system declared itself incompetent to judge this case.

The request was filed in Geneva, Switzerland, where Alain Delon is officially registered as a resident. Me Saskia Ditisheim, the young girl’s lawyer, told AFP that this action aims to obtain an expert opinion that could confirm or deny this family link. For her, the Geneva court should“to pronounce quickly” on the validity of the request and territorial jurisdiction before addressing the substance of the case.

A paternity never recognized by the actor

Alain Delon never acknowledged the paternity of Ari Boulogne, born in 1962 from his relationship with Nicothe singer of the Velvet Underground. Despite this, Ari Boulogne was raised by the actor’s mother, Edith Boulogneand bore his name throughout his life. The lack of official recognition from the actor nevertheless marked their relationship, often described as distant and tense.

In an interview with ReleaseAri Boulogne had mentioned a meeting with Alain Delon in 1986, where the latter allegedly said to him:You don’t have my eyesyou don’t have my hair, you are not my son, you will never be my son“. A clear rejection that did not prevent the question of paternity from resurfacing regularly, notably during Ari’s attempts to obtain legal recognition.

In September 2021, the French courts ruled that it was not competent to rule on this case, because Alain Delon had been living in Switzerland for many years. This decision thus prompted Ari Boulogne’s daughter to turn to the Swiss courts to continue her proceedings.

A complicated succession issue

The case could take a new turn if the DNA test were to confirm the link between Alain Delon and Ari Boulogne’s daughter. This could not only influence the actor’s succession, but also redefine the place of this young girl in the Delon family.

Currently, Alain Delon’s officially recognized children are Anthony, Alain-Fabienet Anouchka Delonfrom her past relationships. The recognition of this granddaughter could redistribute the cards, particularly on the legal and patrimonial level.

A family past marked by tensions

The relationship between Alain Delon and Ari Boulogne has always been complex. Despite the absence of a legal link, Boulogne has often expressed his feeling of belonging to the Delon family, notably through his link with Edith Boulognewhom he considered a real mother. Unfortunately, Ari Boulogne also went through very difficult times, marked by drug addiction and several stays in psychiatric hospitals.

For his part, Alain Delon has always maintained a distance, even going so far as to publicly deny any connection with Boulogne. However, the possible confirmation of his paternity by a DNA test would raise many questions, particularly concerning the actor’s silence and the motivations behind his refusal to recognize Ari Boulogne. The tragic death of Ari Boulogne in May 2023 added another layer of complexity to this already tense family situation. Boulogne was found dead at the age of 60, leaving behind a 16-year-old daughter, who is now fighting to establish a family truth that could change her life.

Sources used:


Geneva Tribune


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