The wrapper reveals his hygiene habits in the podcast.

The wrapper admits that brushing his teeth sometimes feels heavy. AOP
Artisti Käärijä tells the story of Gogi Mavromichalis Gogin cantabaa in the episode of the podcast about his hygiene habits. Another of the guests in the episode is author Paula Noronen.
The episode was already published last year, but the podcast is currently being published The best of Kantis – additional series.
– I’m really bad at cutting toenails, Käärijä begins.
– I’m bad at cutting, Noronen replies.
– I’m really in a pinch sometimes! The wrapper continues.
The wrapper was seen as a guest on Gogi Mavromichalis’ podcast. Pete Anikari
The wrapper continues by telling about other difficult things as well.
– The second is that I’m really lazy to brush my teeth! The wrapper reveals in the episode.
– I once had an 18-hole start at school in middle school. And so this sounds like I don’t brush my teeth, but that’s not even the point. But it’s about the fact that when I go to bed I doze off and watch TV. Then you’re like, “No kidding, you should brush your teeth.” It’s a really big threshold for me, Käärijä says.
– Or even taking a shower to the fact that I’m at home and I think: “just kidding, I should take a shower and I’m there in bed”. I can’t get up! The wrapper decides.
Some people are terrified
The comment fields of social media channels have been filled with horror.
– Dirty! Someone commented.
– Oh horrible!!! I am 70 years old and I brush my teeth every day, morning and night. They are our own originals, the other continues.
– Night! third comp.
Some of the commenters admit that they are similar to Käärijä.
– Wonderfully honest and genuine, one of the commenters enthuses.
– I’m also lazy when it comes to dental hygiene, another admits.
– It’s completely the same for me, especially if it’s finally starting to get tiring, the third trip.
Gogin cantabaa -podcast yes The best of Kantis -podcast can be listened to in Yle Areena.
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