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A Different Retaliation: Lebanon’s Response to Israeli Missiles and Bombing After the Party

“Lebanese Debate”

Lebanon decided to file an official complaint against Israel to the UN Security Council, against the backdrop of the bombing carried out by Israeli planes this Friday morning, which constitutes a flagrant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and a flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, and threatens stability, according to what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.

In this context, legal sources indicated that “Lebanon, as a state recognized by the United Nations, is a sovereign state. When it is said about a sovereign state, it cannot be said that it does not provide for anyone, whether it is a Palestinian or any foreigner present on Lebanese territory.”

In an interview with the “Lebanese Debate”, the sources said: “The Lebanese state is responsible for every act of international law and for every act emanating from Lebanese territory.”

She added, “The area from which the missiles were launched is covered by the armistice agreement in 1947, and covered by United Nations Resolution No. 1701, that is, under its auspices.”

And the sources continued, “The international forces do not have the power to deter, but the power to monitor, and they do not have the power to prevent anyone from firing missiles. Perhaps those who fired these missiles will be monitored.”

She explained, “The Lebanese state, as a military and security authority, has no responsibility for this area that is under the so-called auspices of the United Nations in accordance with Resolution 1701.”

And the sources added, “The Lebanese state, as long as it respects the armistice agreement with Israel, and as long as this region is covered by a UN resolution, there is no longer any responsibility for the state.”

And she went on to say, “In the event that there is a responsibility, Israel has the right to object and say that the Lebanese state is sovereign and responsible, even if there is no UN resolution.”

And she added, “This area is not under the security and military authority of the Lebanese state, as there are no internal security barracks or an army, but there is the United Nations, and it is assumed that no one will undertake military operations.”

The sources concluded by saying, “The Lebanese state cannot prevent what happened, and it was necessary for Lebanon to file a complaint, otherwise it would admit that any response that comes from Israel will bear its responsibility, and it is supposed to refer to the United Nations, which is the one that deals with the issue.”

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