Taking the meditative aspects of his sound to a new plane, The Purge of Tomorrowis an alias of Shackleton to convey a less dance floor oriented experience.
Taking the meditative aspects of his sound to a new plane, The Purge of Tomorrowis an alias of Shackleton to convey a less dance floor oriented experience. “The Other Side of Devastation” (which will be published by the Barcelona label Modern Obscure Music on May 5) is an investigation into a novel form of depth. Contrary to the reductionist label Ambient, these tracks are generated from a live performance context. The essence was to create an immersive encounter where listeners are invited to actively clear their mind of unnecessary thoughts. Staying true to the trance elements Shackleton is famous for, this EP doesn’t rely on traditional structures or a linear narrative.

“Time Moving” is a journey with restless moments and contemplative states. Hypnotic strings by Kathy Alberici that build pastoral phrases that are combined with the biggest drones that are coming: something similar to a dream. Next, “Waves” twists through various forms, awash the track with cascading vocal splices and soothing murmurs.