The first warm days make you want to go to the sea. People begin to undress and come to terms with the pounds they have accumulated over the winter. So taken by the agitation they throw themselves into do-it-yourself diets. False dietary myths not only do not help with permanent weight reduction but can also lead to damage to health. Eliminating the wrong foods from the diet deprives the body of important elements for its health and in the long run can lead to serious problems.
To lose weight, one of the most used remedies is the elimination of bread and pasta. Perhaps the most famous false myth concerning diets is that the abolition of these foods can lead to weight loss. According to nutritionists of the Veronesi Foundation those who abolish bread and pasta, or carbohydrates, could stress the body and cause serious damage to health.
Carbohydrates are a fundamental element for our health. They are like gasoline for the car, a reserve of energy that allows us to face all the activities of life efficiently. Our body needs energy to face daily work, study, various physical activities that may require demanding efforts. Our body draws much of the energy it needs from stored carbohydrates.
A diet lacking in this element could lead to cardiovascular problems and some cancers as well as kidney problems
According to the guidelines of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, complex carbohydrates should make up between 40% and 60% of daily calories. Only 10% -15% of your daily calories should consist of simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are sugars while complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides, which are many sugar molecules linked together. Starch is the most important complex carbohydrate for the nutrition of our body.
Pasta is rich in complex carbohydrates and therefore starch and fiber, which is why eliminating it is not good for our body. Not only. A diet lacking this element in the long term could lead to cardiovascular risk, the onset of certain cancers and damage to the liver and kidneys.
Those who want to lose weight should not reduce the consumption of carbohydrates but reduce the consumption of calories consumed through sweets and sugary drinks. All nutritionists agree that what you eat is important in a diet, but above all how much you eat. To lose weight, the quality of the food ingested is so important, but also the portions which obviously must be those necessary for our body. In this regard there are more foods of others they can satiate and to remove the sense of hunger more quickly.
Finally, the myth that pasta makes you fat in the evening is also false. A study published Obesity, Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases would have disproved this. In the article that reports the data of a research, it is stated that a plate of pasta eaten in the evening can promote the action of slimming.
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