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“A devastating blow to culture” – Corriere.it

Close cinemas, theaters, concert halls? A painful choice. Hard. But inevitable? Who in government must take charge of general interests. At this moment it is necessary to curb the infections, hospitalizations, the number of deaths. The priority is to save lives, to prevent the NHS from collapsing. He said this on Sunday 25 October the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini interviewed on Corriere Tv by the director of Corriere della SeraLuciano Fontana.

There were many protests and appeals, online and on the website of Corriere.it, against the measures that turn off the lights of the world of entertainment and culture, contained in the new Dpcm. But, Franceschini argued, priorities must be put in order. The issue is not the safety of places. reduce the mobility of people, reaffirming that when one governs one must also have the courage to make unpopular choices. On the hypothesis of a reopening before Christmas, the minister declared it difficult to make predictions. The more drastic the measures, the more it is possible to slow the contagion curve. The interventions of the government, the Regions, the mayors are not enough. We need people’s behavior: 80 percent of infections occur at home, in the family, in personal relationships. To save the productive activities and the school it is necessary to limit the contacts with the people with whom we don’t live together.

The minister recalled that, to support the sector, the government it provided more than a billion in interventions, also meeting those workers who did not have other types of support. Now, Franceschini assured Fontana, we must intervene again and we will do so as early as the decree in the next few hours. a “pause”, then everything will move again. Despite the reassurances of Minister Franceschini, operators and associations of entertainment and culture ask the government to take a step back so as not to definitively bring the sector, already severely tried, to its knees.

From June 15 to early October, they do observe, cinemas, theaters and concert halls were attended by 5 million spectators nationwide. And, thanks to compliance with health and hygiene safety protocols – seat tracking, sanitation, temperature control, mandatory use of the mask even in the dining room – there were no infections. And even if Franceschini, in the interview with Corriere Tv, assured that at the end of this terrible experience there will be a very strong demand for culture, ANICA (National Association of Multimedia Audiovisual Cinematographic Industries) asks for a reopening planned, while for Agis (the Italian General Association of Entertainment) it is a difficult blow and a devastating choice for the country.

The appeal for a turnaround also comes from the councilors for culture of the main Italian municipalities, who wrote to the government to ask for a revision of the provision. Unita (National Union of Theater and Audiovisual Interpreters) argues that the closure of cinemas and theaters makes Italy the first European country not to guarantee its citizens that the culture and entertainment industry continues to produce for them; the 100autori Association speaks instead of a sudden death. And on change.org thousands have signed the petition Let’s not close cinemas and theaters.

25 October 2020 (change October 25, 2020 | 22:48)


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