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A detainee in Murcia in an operation against child sexual abuse that started from a Twitter complaint | Radio Murcia

A person has been arrested in Murcia by the National Police in the framework of an operation carried out throughout the country against child pornography and that has resulted in a total of 15 arrests also in Albacete, Badajoz, Barcelona, ​​Las Palmas, Madrid, Malaga, Ourense and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The Police accuse them of distributing child sexual abuse material through the social network Twitter. In fact, according to this body, it was this platform that reported the events to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Minors (NCMEC) upon learning that its users had published this material on their accounts. They immediately blocked them and deleted the account of the users who had published this content. Subsequently, it was the United States Embassy in Spain that brought these events to the attention of the National Police.

According to the Police, among the detainees there is a buyer of extremely harsh pedophile material, whose images and videos were mainly carried out by babies “sexually assaulted in a sadistic way and through bestial practices.” During the operation, two minors have been identified.

After an exhaustive analysis of the complaints by the investigators, it was possible to fully identify 21 connections managed by Internet access providers (ISPs) located in Spain, from which illegal material was shared through this social network.


During one of the searches carried out in the province of Barcelona, ​​it was found that the detainee, in addition to distributing illegal material through social networks, was carrying out an intense search activity on the network for child pornographic material before pubescent.

During the home search, different directories were located, some hidden, which exclusively contained very harsh images starring very young minors, most of them babies.

The agents have intervened 19 mobile phones, fourteen laptops, six hard drives, four memory sticks, three tablets, a memory card and three DVD / CDs.

The National Police reminds users of any social network of the importance of not sharing or saving this type of images of minors, since they would be committing a crime. For this, there is the possibility of reporting the content on the social network itself or to the National Police, by email [email protected].

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