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A detailed portrait of Generation Z

This Snapchat study allows us to better understand the priorities, needs and communication of Generation Z.

understand the Generation Z to achieve it is one of the pending tasks of the brands. As much as these may think that they have everything under control, the truth is that they still have a long way to go.

One of the aspects that they have to take into account is that this group of people has strong values ​​related to human connection. In fact, 66% of this generation places the highest value on relationships with friends and familyas well as the responsibility to contribute to making the world a better place.

The search for authenticity and identity These are two very important points for her too, to the point that almost 50% say they are true to themselves. This, at the same time, generates uncertainty and a greater concern for what others think, so that 78% prefer to focus on applications that they consider positive environments.

They are also very aware that they want a more prosperous future and 63% are aware of the responsibility they have in their hands to make the world a better place. In this sense, Generation Z is significantly more willing than millennials and Generation X to engage with social issues.

The values ​​they attach most importance to are friends and family relationships (66%), well-being and health care (66%), having fun (61%), achieving their goals (59%) or earning money ( 49%).

The communication of Generation Z

As their priorities change, so do the forms of communication they use or that work best for them. 97% say they have used some visual mode when messaging their friends. On the other hand, three out of five agree that digital avatars or bitmojis They help them express themselves better.

Relationships with others are paramount for this generation, with four out of five who say connecting with close friends is the easiest way to feel happy. The pandemic has influenced this, making the need for connection greater.

All of the above leads them to be interested in experimenting, rather than sticking with the traditional. For example, it is a pioneer in the use of augmented reality to play and learn new skills. 93% say they are interested in using it to buy, try on makeup or clothes.

These are some of the results of a study carried out by Snapchat whose main objective was to better understand Generation Z.

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