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A desperate dilemma – il Giornale

Dear Valeria, I am a professional of a certain age and of a certain name. I live in a small town where everyone obviously knows each other. Like everyone, I too have my gray areas. The biggest one is my habit of dressing up and prostituting myself. Of course I don’t do it where I live, but I take advantage of my (frequent) business trips abroad. My favorite identity is the curvy black girl (I’m small, blond and weigh 60 kg). What had to happen sooner or later happened to me: in a red light district in Germany, I was seen and recognized by some of my fellow citizens. The problem is that I am also a local politician. How do I get out?
His most affectionate
Matteo is desperate


Dear Matteo, it’s just as you say: sooner or later it had to happen. That it happened in a red light district in Germany is worthy of the plot about Lamborghini Klaus. But in the end it doesn’t matter. Often the most twisted and intricate plots, the most perfect and long-lasting covers crash into the banality of misfortune or the imponderable. And so much happened to her. How to get out of it, he asks me. Vast programme. If the conduct he has followed for years is dictated by the need to “get dirty” or “deny himself” or if in short it responds to some of his essential sexual needs (those, as you know, concern everyone and are as unfathomable as they are injudgeable), I fear there is little to do other than learn to have a casual reaction the next time you happen (and you will) meet some of your other fellow citizens. Perhaps, however, he could try to unravel his feelings and put his impulses in order. It may be that the judgment of others weighs on them so much that they have to resort to something paradoxical to overcome others and themselves.

Maybe if he had the courage to live his homosexuality in the open he would also be able to consider a very normal and less turbulent relationship between men. By forgiving himself, he could abandon the disguises and trips to the St. Pauli district of Hamburg. But of course it’s just a hypothesis.
Good luck

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